Search Results For “date picker”

23 results

Ultra Simple, Customizable, Light-weight Date Picker jQuery Plugin: glDatePicker

glDatePicker is an ultra-simple, easily customizable, light-weight (just over 7KB compressed or 25KB ncompressed) date picker jQuery plugin. Stylize current date, selected date, special dates and individual days of the week Set data on special dates (that is returned on callback when selected) Automatically jump to respective month on selection Offset days of the week (e.g. make Wednesday the first…

JavaScript Date Picker And Calendar Widget: JalaliJSCalendar

JalaliJSCalendar is a JavaScript date-picker and calendar widget based on Dynarch DHTML Calendar. The main difference between two is that JalaliJSCalendar supports Persian (AKA Hijri Shamsi) calendar too, which is the official Iranian calendar. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume Template[/rss] [rss]Open Source Icons[/rss] [rss]Free Minimal Wordpress Theme[/rss]

A Framework Agnostic Pure JavaScript Date Picker Control: Kalendae

Kalendae is a framework agnostic pure JavaScript date picker control. It is an attempt to do something that nobody has yet been able to do: make a date picker that doesn't suck. This pure JavaScript date picker controls is fully portable and requires nothing except a JS enabled browser. It is easily skinable and the default theme uses only one…

Customizable, Free Date Picker Calendar jQuery Plugin: glDatePicker

glDatePicker is a simple, customizable, lightweight date picker calendar plugin for jQuery weighing in just over 3.5KB compressed (8KB uncompressed). This Free Date Picker jQuery Plugin allows multiple instances on one page and users can have different styles for every calendar plugin. Features Forward and backward navigation Current date highlight Restricting selection of dates outside of a range Restricting selection…

Advanced jQuery Date Picker and Time Picker Plugin

A ThemeRoller supported, easily customizable, advanced jQuery Date Picker and Time Picker Plugin by Any+Time™ JavaScript Library. This jQuery Date / Time Picker aesthetically combines the functionality of calendar and clock together. Some Features Format date as you wish to Custom week starting day Select your time zone Theme-able with jQuery ThemeRoller Ajax based validation This free JavaScript date /…

Fully Responsive And Lightweight jQuery Dateinput Picker: Pickadate.js

Pickadate.js is a jQuery date picker with multi-language support. It's responsive and lightweight date picker with browser support for IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari and Android browser. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume Template[/rss] [rss]Open Source Icons[/rss] [rss]Free Minimal Wordpress Theme[/rss]

Free Date Range Picker Component For Twitter Bootstrap

A beautifully done free date range picker component for Twitter Bootstrap. This date range picker creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates. If invoked with no options, it will present two calendars to choose a start and end date from. Optionally, you can provide a list of date ranges the user can select from…

Free Lightweight Datepicker jQuery Plugin: Zebra Datepicker

Zebra Datepicker is a small, compact and highly configurable datepicker jQuery plugin, meant to enrich forms by adding the datepicker functionality to them. This jQuery plugin will automatically add a calendar icon to the indicated input fields which, when clicked, will open the attached datepicker. Users can easily jump between months and years due to the datepicker’s intuitive interface. The…

Android Style Datepicker Widget for jQuery Mobile: Mobi Pick

Mobi Pick is an Android-style datepicker widget for jQuery Mobile. It uses the date library XDate and allows progressive enhancement for date input fields using Modernizr. Mobi Pick has implemented localisation through XDate’s locale support, which means a localised picker can be displayed simply by specifying a language [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume…

Multi-mode Date and Time Picker for jQuery Mobile: DateBox

DateBox is a multi-mode date and time picker plugin for jQuery Mobile. It offers multiple data entry modes: Android style date picker Calendar style date picker Slide style date picker Flip Wheel style date or time picker 12 and 24 hour time picker Duration time picker It comes with 4 different display modes, supports data-limiting of input and can be…