
98 articles

Simple and Intuitive jQuery Captcha Plugin: QapTcha

QapTcha is a simple jQuery captcha plugin built using jQuery UI. To unlock a form, the user has to drag a slider from the left to the right. This is a bulletproof captcha plugin because bots aren't able to perform drag and drop events. This intuitive jQuery captcha plugin makes things very easy for you with a limited amount of…

Excel Style Fixed Header and Columns for HTML Table: jQuery FixedTable

jQuery.FixedTable is a jQuery plugin to create excel style fixed header and columns for an HTML table. Feature Allow horizontal and vertical scroll Support multiple HTML tables with fixed header and columns on one page The number of fixed columns can be customize The background colors of each row when mouse is over and out can be customized [rss]Special Downloads[/rss]…

Textmate-like Programmers Text Editor Inside Google Chrome: SourceKit

SourceKit is a free plugin for Google Chrome. Its a Textmate-like lightweight programmers text editor right inside of Chrome. It saves files directly to Dropbox, so if you have the Dropbox sync software installed, the changes will appear locally as if you did so with a text editor! Changes will be stored remotely so naturally this same extension will pull…

jQuery Image Zoom Plugin: Zoomy

Zoomy is a quick and easy jQuery image zoom plugin that will zoom into an image. You only need two copies of one image first the display image and then the zoom image. This open source jQuery image zoom plugin is simple, easy to implement and customize. There are a few options that allow you to change the appearance and…

Interactive Form Labels For Input Text Fields: jLabel

jLabel is a jQuery plugin that formats text input fields with unobtrusive labels featuring interactive suggestions. It allows input fields to be labelled clearly and presented with minimal interface obstruction. jLabel adheres to the concepts of Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation and correctly handles pre-populated fields and ASP.NET's viewstate postback model. jLabels are kept visible until the input field's first…

Multiple File Upload Plugin: jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload is an open source extensible jQuery plugin that supports multiple file upload with lots of useful features including drag and drop, upload progress indicator and cross-site file uploads. jQuery File Upload implementation is based on open standards like HTML5 and JavaScript and requires no additional browser plugins. This plugin uploads files via XMLHttpRequests (if supported) and uses iframes…

Open Source Scalable, Non-blocking Web Server: Tornado

Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like or Google's webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure. The framework is distinct from most mainstream web server frameworks (and…

Create .ZIP Files with JavaScript: JSZip

JavaScript today is capable of generating a lot of data. The easiest way to deliver multiple files to your users is in a Zip file. Instead of wasting server resources and bandwidth you can get the browser client to do it for you and JSZip helps to create .Zip files with Javascript. The biggest issue with JSZip is that the filenames…