Search Results For “jquery”

562 results

9 Best Sources of Ajax/Javascript Examples and Demos

In this collection, you’ll find 9 excellent websites and blogs that provide high-quality examples and tutorials on Ajax and Javascript . 1. Ajax Rain AjaxRain has illustrated examples of some nifty web-fx that can be achieved with combinations of AJAX, CSS, DHTML or Javascript. Some of the demos are definitely worth a look, even if you aren’t a web designer/programmer.…

UI Library For MooTools: JxLib

JxLib is a JavaScript library for creating graphical user interfaces just like jQuery UI, Ext JS or Dijit. It is based on MooTools & well-document with a list examples. The library includes: layout managers buttons tabs toolbars dialogs panels trees grid control JxLib helps creating very clean & easy to use interfaces that can be seen from the examples.