CSS Menu Generator

CSS Menu Generator will generate both the CSS and the HTML code required to produce a text-based yet appealing set of navigation buttons. As text links are fast becoming preferred over images where search engine optimization is needed, a CSS menu can give the affectiveness of text links with a better look than standard text links. For an example of a CSS menu, look at our navigation on the left.

There are 3 different styles of menu available to generate, so for this first step, please choose the style you prefer by clicking on the appropriate radio button below then clicking the ‘Proceed’ button.


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james - who has written 135 posts on Open Source Resources for Designers & Developers | Greepit.com.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Check Pagerank Says:

    You have a great blog here and it is Nice to read some well written posts that have some relevancy…keep up the good work ;)

  2. Andrew Says:

    Good post, keep it coming! Good articles like this much appreciated. Ollie.

  3. tshirt-printer Says:

    Thank you for this navigation article, I am trying to create a drop down menu without using javascript so that it is indexed by the search engines.

2 Trackbacks For This Post

  1. Posts about Text Link Advertising as of December 26, 2008 | The Lessnau Lounge Says:

    [...] these two things. Apart from being effective, this kind of internet marketing is almost CSS Menu Generator - greepit.com 12/26/2008 CSS Menu Generator will generate both the CSS and the HTML code required [...]

  2. buttons html | Digg hot tags Says:

    [...] Vote CSS Menu Generator [...]

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