Visualize Your Activities And Manage Your Time More Efficiently With Slife

Fri, Jan 16, 2009

Web Application

Slife is a time and activity analytics application for both Mac and Windows that automatically keeps track of where you spend your time on your computer.

Visualize Your Activities And Manage Your Time More Efficiently With Slife

Slife observes as you interact with applications, documents, email and web sites and then displays detailed statistics of your computer usage in a set of intuitive and easy to use visualizations.With Slife, you can finally understand where you are spending your time and energy, and focus on what really matters.


  • Slife tracks your usage of applications, documents and web pages automatically.
  • Slife provides 6 visual interfaces that let you analyze and visualize your computer time and activities like never before.
  • Sometimes it might be useful to associate the utilization of applications, documents and pages with tasks.
  • Slife lets you specify time goals for your activities.



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rob - who has written 101 posts on | Open Source Resources for Designers & Developers.

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