For optimizing a website in means of SEO, you may have to deal with many manual tasks like submiting to search engines, checking the keyword density of pages, searching for any missing alt tags & more.
Web CEO, one of the most popular softwares in this area, lets you manage the SEO-side of unlimited number of websites with a very informative interface.
Web CEO comes with a lots of featured free edition & much more featured paid editions.
I’ve been using Web CEO for a long time and one of the best features of it is the advices after analyzing pages. Rather than just telling the problems, Web CEO informs you about how to solve them in a detailed way.
Some Web CEO features:
- Submit websites to search engines
- Analyze a website’s position in search engines for any keyword
- Keyword Mining from competitor’s pages
- Advice for General Search Engine Compliance
- Analyzing Link Popularity (Number of Links to Your Website)
- Analyzing Backward Links vs. Competition
- Reporting
March 31st, 2009 at 10:42 pm
Really good read, nice to read a good blog at last!
April 6th, 2009 at 6:40 am
Nice post. All very good points. There are a few sites that I’ve registered at in order to comment, but they are few and far between.
May 10th, 2009 at 10:56 am
A fantastic read….very literate and informative. Many thanks….what theme is this you are using and also, where is your RSS button ?