Tracks is a web-based and open source to-do-list application to help you plan your routines. It was built using Ruby on Rails, and comes with a built-in webserver (WEBrick), you can run “Track” on any Ruby Enabled computer.
Ruby can be installed, including Mac OS X, Windows XP and Linux. Tracks is Open Source, Free and licensed under the GNU GPL.
Application has a very slick interface & offers a high usability with drag’n drops & Ajaxed actions.
Tracks is a multi-user to-do-list application where everyone can have their own tasks.
Items can be categorized, proritized, scheduled & starred (for reaching them easier).
With a chart-supported statistics page, you can see the progress of your tasks, analyze them better like finding out which are your productive days, which task took more then expected & more.
The application has a powerful feed support (text, iCal and RSS). You can subscribe to a list & get status updates for them.
Tracks also makes it possible to getting integrated with other apps. with its API. And, it provides a lightweight interface for mobile phones at http://tarcksurl/mobile/.
Requirements: Ruby on Rails and (MySQL, SQLite or PostgreSQL)
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