Open Source Data Visualization Framework - Axiis

Axiis is an open source data visualization framework designed for beginner and expert developers alike.

Whether you are building elegant charts for executive briefings or exploring the boundaries of advanced data visualization research, Axiis has something for you.

Open Source Data Visualization Framework - Axiis

Axiis was designed to be a granular framework, allowing developers to mix and match components and build complex output by compositing together basic building blocks. We have specifically avoided long OO inheritcance chains to keep our classtructures flat and interchangeable. In Axiis you create visual complexity through engineering simplicity.

Axiis provides both pre-built visualization components as well as abstract layout patterns and rendering classes that allow you to create your own unique visualizations.

Axiis is built upon the Degrafa graphics framework and Adobe Flex 3.

As an open source project, under an MIT license, allows developers to use it for personal projects, commercial work.




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Mike - who has written 254 posts on Open Source Resources for Designers & Developers |

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Taibetalats Says:

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