December 6th, 2010Posted by admin
Are you listening to your customers?
As they say: You cannot improve what you cannot measure; but the paradox is you cannot measure everything – happiness, hatred, anger… but you can measure customer satisfaction. Yes, you can measure customer satisfaction by analyzing likes and dislikes of your customers. You can guage populairty of your website or products. You can also:
- See how many visitors like the new design of your website or logo
- Analyze what your readers want to see on your blog
- Understand how helpful the content on your support forum or website is
- Know the latest trends and user’s opinion before launching a new product or service
Opineo allows you to do all of this and much more without signing up for an account or hire an expert. This DIY tool enables you to listen to your customers’ voice easily and instantly. All you have to do is go online, design your widget and place it on your website.

Posted under category Scripts & Apps
Tagged as jQuery
December 6th, 2010Posted by admin
Ever thought about your resume as a marketing collateral? If not, start taking your resume more seriously – as your face to the world; especially if you are yourself involved in designing and making things presentable. Your resume should not only exhibit your profile but also demonstrate your skills.
While re-designing my personal resume recently, I was looking for some creative inspirations but did not get much ideas for online resumes. There are a lot of reasons for having an online resume. It is searchable, easy to update and distribute, and most importantly it contributes towards a greener and a paperless environment. Plus, it gives you a lot of freedom to demonstrate your creative skills.
Here is an example of online resume using CSS3, Google Font API for custom fonts and jQuery to navigate between different sections.

It is an experimental project for a basic online resume template especially for analyzing the capabilities of Google Font API.
- It is lightweight; renders smoothly is almost all browsers
- Using open source fonts, and
- Standardized and valid HTML & CSS
Posted under category Creative Resume
Tagged as CSS, HTML
December 6th, 2010Posted by admin
For UI designers and website developers, there are a huge number of nice icon collections but most of these collections are designed for specific purpose, theme or industry.
Most of the time, designers have to mix and match desired icons and customize them according to the requirements resulting in a lot of effort, un-balanced designs, and sometimes mere frustration.
gcons is a comprehensive collection of 100 creative, multi-purpose and open source icons for the web and desktop applications.

These open source icons come in 12 different colors and are available in PSD, AI, CDR, PNG, JPG and GIF formats.

Posted under category Open Source Icons
Tagged as AI, CDR, PNG, PSD
December 6th, 2010Posted by admin
WordPress is an open source Content Management System (CMS), often used as a blog publishing application, powered by PHP and MySQL.
It has many features including a plug-in architecture and a template system. Used by over 12% of the 1,000,000 biggest websites, WordPress is the most popular CMS in use today.
Greepit will be sharing a collection of Free & Popular WordPress Themes like Portfolio Themes, Magazine Style Themes, the first collection is:
Minimalist WordPress Themes
A great painter just need a simple plain canvas to create a masterpiece and many bloggers need just a simple and clean minimalist WordPress theme that they can tweak to fit their needs.
Posted under category Wordpress Themes
Tagged as Wordpress
December 6th, 2010Posted by admin
For any site, Search Engine ranking is an important aspect to get traffic. As a blogger, I can understand the worth of getting listed in first 10 results against a Google search.

There exists many strategies to improve website Search Engine Ranking (Create and join groups, join social sites like Facebook and Twitter, join forums, etc… ) but some are more appropriate to the design niche than others and Link Building is one of them.
What is Link Building?
Link Building is the process of creating inbound links to get more traffic; to improve your site’s ranking in Search Engines and to be popular. It is one of the best ways to make your site well-known. Link Building can be achieved by reciprocal links, being listed in design galleries, sponsoring a contest, etc.
Followings are very good strategies for getting inbound links.
Posted under category Articles & Books, SEO
Tagged as SEO