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277 articles

Free Vector Charts and Graphs Collection

Charts and Graphs are extremely useful in presentations, analysis and reports. Information can be easily presented and analyzed when data is plotted into charts and graphs. This free charts and graphs collection is in vector format and contains many chart types including: Pie chart Bar graphs Circle graphs Line charts Website: License: Free

Create Image Slideshows with jQuery on HTML5 Canvas

Create image slideshows with smooth beautiful animations on HTML5 Canvas with jQuery Canvas Cycle Plugin. It's very simple to implement and let users easily customize: Transition type & speed Animation effects like Fade, Masking, Zoom If your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas tag, the text will be swapped by the browser. As this is a newly born plugin so…

New jQuery CSS3 Image Gallery With Flash Like Shine Effects

New 'Oven Hot' jQuery CSS3 Image Gallery with flash like animated shine effects. Flash is a well known tool for such eye-catching glass animations but it's now do-able with Shine Time - A jQuery CSS3 Image Gallery. Learn the secrets to create your very own image gallery or simply download the source code and enjoy plugging Shine Time into your website / application.…

Advanced Color Picker Tool For Designers – ColorExplorer

ColorExplorer is an advanced color picker tool for professional designers and color enthusiasts to play with colors and design their own color palettes with a single click. Users can export color palettes to popular image editing programs like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. This advanced color picker tool has been carefully crafted in a clean user interface design to help…

Free Icons Collection – Hardly Seen

Being a designer, I know the importance of Icons in website design & user interface design. Many times, a layout turned to a master piece only by using few appropriate professional icons. Today, I am presenting a Free icons collection with multiple file types like Vector, ICO, PNG, GIF & PSD. 9 Icon & PNG Cake Icons Twitter PSD Icons…
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Web Server That Runs On CD-Rom: Server2Go

Server2Go is a portable web server environment built to be used in CD-ROMS, memory sticks & similar portable media. It has almost everything you need to run a web application: Apache 1.3.x, 2.0.x and 2.2.x PHP 5.2.x with a lot of extensions. Downgrade packages to 4.4.x and 5.0.x available) MySQL 5 support Perl 5.8 with many CPAN modules integrated Server2Go…
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30+ High Quality And Free Vector Object Sets To Beautify Your Designs

Sometimes, when you are about to design, a well-designed object can easily inspire you. And, using such objects: Save you time Improve the overall quality of the design (in general) Help you to improve yourself by seeing how it is done & more.. This is a collection of 30+ free & various vector object sets to help you create better.…