
170 articles

JS Library To Accelerate The Development Of HTML5 Video

Open Video Player (OVP) is an initiative encompassing the use of open standards, best practices, and established development methodologies in the development of media player applications. The Open Video Player added support for HTML5 with their new member named: OVP for HTML5 <video>. This project provides a simple JavaScript library to accelerate the development of HTML5 <video> experiences. Features Intelligent…

Feature Rich Content Slider WordPress Plugin: SlideDeck

Greepit previously published a Free JavaScript based Content Slider, SlideDeck. This free content slider is now released as a free Wordpress plugin. SlideDeck helps your to create a media and content rich slider on your WordPress powered blog or website without writing a single line of code! The SlideDeck wordpress plugin works within the easy-to-use WordPress interface and allows you…

Lightweight Tiny Alert System With CSS3: TinyAlert

TinyAlert is a lightweight (only 1.4k) alert system with Mootools and CSS3. Its easily customizable and bundled with few skins. You can create your very own skins to match with your website or web application. You can also control the alert positions. Website: License: Free

Real Time Web Traffic Visualizer: Hummingbird

Hummingbird lets you see how visitors are interacting with your website in real time. WebSockets enable Hummingbird to update 20 times per second to provide you a real time traffic analysis. Hummingbird serves a 1x1 tracking pixel to users. In the browser's GET request it sends back tracking data generated by javascript. Hummingbird is built on top of Node.js, a…

Interactive Charts With HTML Table and Google Charts API

gvChart is a jQuery plugin, that uses Google Charts API to create interactive visualization by using data from the HTML table tag. Its very easy to create charts with gvChart jQuery plugin: 1. Create an HTML table 2. Download and initialize gvChart 3. Connect gvChart to your table Easily customizable and allows to create Area, Line, Bar, Column and Pie…

HTML5 Charting & Data Visualization Tool: HumbleFinance

HumbleFinance is an HTML5 data visualization tool written as a demonstration of interactive graphing in HTML5. This HTML5 charting tool is written entirely in JavaScript, using the Prototype and Flotr libraries. It can be used to display any two 2-D data sets of real numerical data which share an axis. You can mouse over the chart for additional data, as…

Lightweight jQuery Slideshow Plugin: SimpleSlide

SimpleSlide is a lightweight jQuery slideshow plugin to create an image slideshow or a text based content slider for your site. This plugin won’t bog down your site or burn out your users’ browsers, even using it in multiple iterations per page. With the little markup you need to add to your site, you get a full feature set like:…

JSON Driven Zoomable Drill Down Bar Chart: DDChart

DDChart is a JSON data driven bar chart plugin that creates a classy bar chart with flash like animation effects. Its a small yet useful bar chart jQuery plugin that is packed with nice features including: Zoom-in / zoom-out effect on bar charts during drilling up / down with flashy animations Bars, legends, and fonts expand and contract to fit…

Client Side Javascript Form Validator: Validity

Validity is a powerful Client Side Javascript Form Validator jQuery Plugin. Instead of writing validation manually or balancing some unwieldy server-side framework, validity allows you to design client-side validation in a manner that feels natural and straightforward. This Javascript Form Validator Plugin is appropriate for simple validation scenarios, but it is designed while keeping the more complex, dynamic, or conditional…

OpenWYSIWYG: Cross Browser Open Source WYSIWYG Editor

OpenWYSIWYG is free, open source, cross-browser WYSIWYG editor completely written in JavaScript and comes with a professional and sleek user interface. OpenWYSIWYG has powerful editing environment and packed with every rich-text editing feature that makes your content management system much better. Requirements: Javascript enabled browser Website: License: LGPL