Facebook HTML5 Resource Center
I know it would be rhetoric and needless to mention how HTML 5 is impacting, in fact, revolutionizing the art and science of web development. However, I would still take the liberty to say that...
Web Design and Development Resources
I know it would be rhetoric and needless to mention how HTML 5 is impacting, in fact, revolutionizing the art and science of web development. However, I would still take the liberty to say that...
Swiffy is an online free tool from Google which converts Flash SWF files to HTML5, allowing you to reuse Flash content on devices without a Flash player (such as iPhones and iPads). Swiffy currently...
ThinkUp is a free and consolidated social media dashboard that you can use to monitor your activities on social media platforms. Best for online marketeers and businesses, ThinkUp gives you just the right set...
Social media is growing beyond imaginable boundaries – facebook, twitter, Linkedin, personal blogs etc. With so many social platforms, there are so many ways to socialize, build online identities, promote businesses and personalities or...
Prey is an open source anti-theft software for Mac, PC & Mobile that lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever...
Web design team at DBS Interactive is sharing a WordPress quick reference guide for WordPress 2.x and WordPress 3+ to expedite WordPress theme development. The content was reformatted for quick reference from the Template...
SlickBoard is a simple & powerful tool for creating interactive objects only with XML. SlickBoard makes the best of both the XML and SWF worlds. XML provides flexible data generation and Flash provides the...
jQuery GPS is a Free jQuery plugin for people that want to add Google maps to their website, but don’t want their website to be bogged down with features they don’t need.
ChartGo is a web based application to Create Free Online Chart. A simple tool to make online chart creation simpler and easier. This web application is designed to create online charts in a quick,...
ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern Web 2.0 style modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page reloads. It’s inspired by Mac OS X modal dialogs.
Grante Blogger template – a Free Professional Blogger Template, is nice blend of design and usability, while it’s still highly customizable in font color, size and type.
FlockDraw is a seamless real-time online collaborative drawing tool. This online drawing tool simply saves your lot of time. You don’t need to go for the professional software like Photoshop for basic wireframes and...
A set of high resolution Free 3D Glossy Social Networking Icons / Buttons for your personal and commercial use.
Tip Tip is a Free Lightweight jQuery Tooltip Plugin for your web sites. TipTip takes the browser’s default Tooltip and replaces it with it’s own look and feel. This intelligent and custom Free Tooltip...
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