33 articles

Free Icons Collection – Hardly Seen

Being a designer, I know the importance of Icons in website design & user interface design. Many times, a layout turned to a master piece only by using few appropriate professional icons. Today, I am presenting a Free icons collection with multiple file types like Vector, ICO, PNG, GIF & PSD. 9 Icon & PNG Cake Icons Twitter PSD Icons…

High Resolution PSD Sales Badge

A beautiful, eye-catching, fresh & high resolution psd sales badge. This beautiful Photoshop badge is contributed by Sarfraz Shoukat - A Website & User Interface Designer. 3873
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30+ High Quality And Free Vector Object Sets To Beautify Your Designs

Sometimes, when you are about to design, a well-designed object can easily inspire you. And, using such objects: Save you time Improve the overall quality of the design (in general) Help you to improve yourself by seeing how it is done & more.. This is a collection of 30+ free & various vector object sets to help you create better.…