Time Saving Free CSS Tools For Web Designers: CSSmatic
CSSmatic is a set of CSS/Design related tools for designers to save their time. This is an intuitive way of using high technology to make your daily work as easy as you were expecting....
CSSmatic is a set of CSS/Design related tools for designers to save their time. This is an intuitive way of using high technology to make your daily work as easy as you were expecting....
A color picker, or color chooser is a utility, usually found within graphics software or online, used to choose colors or create color schemes. You can find a number of color picker tools on...
A forum software is a group of people interested in a common topic who are willing to type paragraphs to each other on a web page. Forums are a fundamental building block of web...
Kandan is a free open source chat application built Ruby on Rails (A popular ruby language framework) and supports many databases. Kandan has really cool features and beautiful interface. It enables to manage multiple chat rooms...
Google Chrome Extensions are browser extensions that modify the Google Chrome browser. These extensions are written using web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Extensions are extra features and functionality that you can easily...
Iconbench is a free web app which allows you to style icons and add effects to your icons. Currently, Iconbench offers more than 5 different iconsets having more than 700 different icons for you...
A web with web fonts is more beautiful, readable, accessible and open. Webfonts enable everyone to bring quality typography to their web pages and applications. Font Custom helps generate custom icon webfonts from the...
Weblate is a free web based translation tool with tight Git integration. It features simple and clean user interface, propagation of translations across subprojects, consistency checks and automatic linking to source files. Easy web...
Viewport resizer is a browser-based tool to test any website’s responsiveness. Just save the bookmarklet, go to the page you want to test, click on your created bookmarklet and check all kinds of screen...
Loading animation is extremely useful for users, they know that the server is processing the request, very helpful aspect in user interaction. It’s used as an indication of something is happening behind the scene,...
SimplyTestable is an online markup validation services that saves your time and allows you validate the HTML markup for your entire site in one click. It takes the pain out of routine front-end web testing....
Edge Web Fonts is a free hosted web font service from Adobe that provides access to a large library of web fonts made possible by Google, Adobe, and designers around the world. Use of the...
MobileCartly is an open source Mobile Ecommerce shopping cart. It helps to sell your products across all mobile devices including iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Windows Mobile. A MobileCartly stores come with out-of-the-box PayPal Integration....
Terms of Service are sets of regulations which users must agree to follow in order to use a service. Terms of Use are often named as Terms of Service, as well as Disclaimer, mostly...
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