formArchitect is a Free Online Tool to Create Tabless HTML Forms and it automates the most time-consuming and error-prone aspects of form design, saving you not only design time but bug hunting time as well.
RailFrog is an Open Source CMS built with Ruby on Rails. This Open Source Content Management System is producing well structured and standards-compliant pages with Web 2.0 goodness.
Railfrog makes it easy for developers, designers, webmasters, or just about anyone else to deploy and manage a website.
Quince is an on-line directory of UX design patterns created by Infragistics. If you are looking for design patterns or script resources or some inspiration with examples, then your search is over, you are at right place.
A beautifully managed collection of design patterns, and what makes it good is it contains all these with a number of examples.
Klok is a Free AIR Application for Personal Time Tracking. Your time is your product. Every minute you spend working that goes unaccounted for is like giving away your product for free. Tracking your time accurately is essential to staying profitable.
In addition, knowing how much time you spend on past projects, can allow you to better estimate future projects. Do you know how much time you spend in meetings? On the phone? Promoting yourself? Making sales calls?
Keep track of anything with Klok’s simple work timer and visual display of how your days “fill up”.
CSS Round is an online application to Create Beautiful Rounded Corners. You can specify and define your own options for the CSS like corner radius value, round color, background color, text color and size of round content you want. You can specify the text if you want before generating the rounded corners.
SundayMorning is a jQuery plugin which allow site-owners to offer their visitors some easy and fancy ways to translate their content in more than 30 languages.
TypePublish is a user-friendly, open-source CMS and application framework. It is a PHP/MySQL-based website content management system. It is ideal for small-to-medium businesses who want to set up and manage their own websites. It’s also perfect for web developers who want to build fast and elegant websites and online applications on behalf of their clients.
Read the rest of this entryThis Free Online Flash Effects Generator is whole new way of creating Flash content online for Free, within a simple but powerful what-you-see-is-what-you-get drag-and-drop graphical editing environment.
phpWatch is a Free site uptime monitoring PHP Script. You can setup this tool to watch unlimited websites and it also gives the options to send notifications via email / sms (for US only).
The purpose of this system is two-fold: it allows administrators to easily check the status of many different services running on any number of servers and also allows developers to interface with the query and notification APIs.
Read the rest of this entryHtmlBox is an Open Source cross browser interactive HTML / XHTML textarea based on the jQuery library. The integration of HtmlBox into Content Manegement Systems, Forums, Guest Books, Contact Forms is as easy as a child’s play.