Collection of Useful jQuery Plugins, Scripts and Utilities
by Team Greepit · May 31, 2013
A CSS3 and jQuery Filter & Sorting Plugin: MixItUp

A Next-Generation JavaScript Testing Stack: Intern

Create Dynamic Pagination with Bootstrap: Bootpag

Open Source Framework For Building HTML5 Apps: iio Engine

Fixed Background Scrolling Layout Tutorial

The Periodic Table of WordPress Plugins

Custom HTML Elements On-Demand: X-Tag

Photoshop Actions for Slicing Retina Graphics: Retinize It

A New Interactive IDE: Light Table

Clean and Lightweight Datepicker for Bootstrap

Create Equal Height Boxes With jQuery

Multi-Color Progressbar Component

A Free Extension For Adobe Fireworks: iOS Grid System

Generate Bootstrap-Ready Custom Icon Webfonts: Font Custom

A Flat UI Inspired Color Scheme for Programmers: Toy Chest Theme

Generate your own Bootstrap Color Scheme: Lavish

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