
Best PHP Web Application Framework – Yii

Yii is an open source PHP web application framework, best for developing large-scale Web applications.


Yii is purely object-oriented, everything in Yii is a self-contained component which can be configured, reused or extended easily. More importantly, Yii has an ever-increasing extension library consisting of user-contributed components, which may help reduce your development time significantly.

Some Features

  • jQuery-based AJAX support
  • authentication and role-based access control
  • Supports Theming

This open source php web application framework is Written in strict OOP, Yii is easy to use and is extremely flexible and extensible.

Website: http://www.yiiframework.com

Demo: http://www.yiiframework.com/demos/


  • [...] is based on top of the current version of the Yii php web application framework & it takes advantage of the MVC design pattern and unit [...]

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