jQuery Live Form Validation Plugin: Form Validate
Form Validate is a free jQuery plugin which helps create easy form validations with high flexibility and a large set of options.
Form Validate Features
- Supports custom validations
- Options to toggle between live and onsubmit validations
- Completely customizable CSS
Turn Your Websites Into Mac Desktop Applications: Fluid
Web applications like Gmail, Facebook, Campfire and Pandora are becoming more and more like desktop applications every day. Running each of these web apps in an individual tab in your browser can be a real pain.
Fluid lets you create a Site Specific Browser (SSB) out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into desktop apps.
- Open Plug-in Architecture
- Built-in Userscripting
- Single-Window Browsing Mode
- BrowsaBrowsa Plug-in for Sidebars
- Twitter Timeline Plug-in
- Thumbnail Plug-in for CoverFlow
Combine Background Images Into A CSS Sprite: SpriteMe
A sprite combines multiple background images into a single image. This is a technique for making web pages faster because it reduces the number of downloads in the page.
Background images make pages look good, but also make them slower. Each background image is an extra HTTP request. There’s a fix: combine background images into a CSS sprite. But creating sprites is hard, requiring arcane knowledge and lots of trial and error.
SpriteMe removes the hassles with the click of a button.
- Finds background images
- Groups images into sprites
- Generates the sprite
- Recomputes CSS background-positions
- Injects the sprite into the current page
Feature Rich Multi-dimensional Info Spaces: Elastic Lists
Elastic Lists is an open source tool that allows you to create a faceted browsing interface for navigating large, multi-dimensional info spaces with just a few clicks.
Elastic Lists enhances traditional UI approaches for facet browsers by visualizing:
- Weight proportions
- Animated transitions
- Emphasis of characteristic values
- Sparkline visualizations
Elastic Lists is an AS3 project for use in Flash CS4 or Flex.
CSS3 Features Support for Internet Explorer: PIE
CSS3 brings with it some incredibly powerful styling features. Rounded corners, soft drop shadows, gradient fills, and so on. These are the kinds of elements our designer friends love to use because they make for attractive sites, but are difficult and time-consuming to implement, involving complex sprite images, extra non-semantic markup, large JavaScript libraries, and other lovely hacks.
As Internet Explorer has serious issues supporting CSS3 features and for those designers / developers who are facing such issues; Greepit previously shared couple of resources to add CSS3 support to Internet Explorer, checkout IE-CSS3 and Modernizr.
PIE (progressive internet explorer) is an IE attached behavior (.htc file) which makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.
CSS Programming For .NET Applications – dotlesscss
Its always a pain to handle lengthy CSS files during the web development process. Redundant and repetitive code in a CSS file makes it difficult to handle and understand.
dotless, a .NET port of the popular Ruby LESS library, adds variables, nested rules and operators support to CSS which helps removing the redundant code and hence leads to a better, DRY and Less CSS.
Below is a simple example to show how dotlesscss works:
Traditional CSS
#page-header h1{
#faq h1{
border-bottom:3px solid #000;
Using dotlesscss
#page-header h1{
#faq h1{
border-bottom:3px solid #000;
That’s why I called it CSS Programming.
- Transparent Less compilation through HttpHandler
- Console Compiler
- Built-in CSS Compression
- Keeps your CSS file DRY (don’t repeat yourself)
dotless is (definitely) a Time-saving ‘CSS Programming’ tool for ASP.Net Developers and it opens the way to become a CSS Programmer as well.
MySQL Database Management Tool – Adminer
Adminer, a full featured MySQL database management tool that consist of a single file to manage database.
Users can manage existing databases and have liberty to create new ones easily. It provides all features required for database management including:
- List fields, indexes, foreign keys and triggers of table
- Execute any SQL command from a text field or a file
- Stored procedures and functions management
- Export table structure, routines & databases to SQL or CSV file
- Manage events and table partitions
Adminer is an open source and multilingual software available in 11 languages.
Mobile & Desktop Application Development Platform
Appcelerator launches Titanium, an open source application development platform designed to help developers create native mobile (iPad, iPhone & Android) and desktop applications using existing web skills like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, and PHP.
Titanium Mobile supports all of the iPad, iPhone and Android features, including table views, scroll views, native buttons, switches, tabs, and more.
With Titanium Desktop, your can build more engaging applications that have better performance and full control over OS-specific UI, database access, offline functionality, notifications, and multimedia.
Titanium lets you develop advanced animations and sophisticated interfaces with HTML5 & CSS3 and released under Apache 2 licensed, cross-platform toolkit for mobile & desktop applications development.
Ruby On Rails Based Open Source School Management System
Fedena is the open source school management system based on Ruby on Rails. Fedena is the ideal solution for schools and campuses that want an easy means to manage all campus records.
With Fedena, you can manage student databases & it helps to deal with all school management related issues.
Few features of this open source school erp are:
- Friendly user interface
- Manage student admissions & academic year
- Examination management
- Timetable & Attendance management
Demo: (user: admin / pass: admin123)