Speed Up Your CSS Development With Turbine
Turbine is a PHP-powered tool that introduces a new way for writing CSS. Its syntax and features are designed to decrease css development time and web developer headache.
Turbine speeds up your CSS development and allows you to build more websites in less time. Just concentrate on things that are more important than tweaking CSS code, like design or content.
- Packing, gzipping and automatic minification of multiple style files
- OOP-like inheritance, extension and templating features
- Fully exensible through a very simple plugin system
- Built-in device-, browser- and OS sniffing
Get Productive On PHP With Akelos PHP Framework
Akelos PHP Framework is an open source port of Ruby on Rails to the PHP programming language.
The main goal of the Akelos Framework its to help programmers to build multilingual database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. It lets you write less code by favoring conventions over configuration.
It allows you to:
- Write views using Ajax easily
- Control requests and responses through a controller
- Manage internationalized applications
- Communicate models and the database using simple conventions.
Feature Rich Web 2.0 PHP Widget Library: PHP-Ext
PHP-Ext is an open source widget library written for PHP 4 and PHP 5 to empower the UI Layer based on Ext JS Javascript widgets which provide a standard and powerful API to build Rich Internet Applications.
PHP-Ext provides useful and common controls to create forms, rich combo boxes, powerful grids and menus. It also promotes the use of JSON and XML client/server communication to populate forms and grids using Ajax. Additionally it has a Javascript helper to ease the Javascript code generation and use.
P.S. This PHP Widget Library is in beta so you may experience small issues.
OpenWYSIWYG: Cross Browser Open Source WYSIWYG Editor
OpenWYSIWYG is free, open source, cross-browser WYSIWYG editor completely written in JavaScript and comes with a professional and sleek user interface.
OpenWYSIWYG has powerful editing environment and packed with every rich-text editing feature that makes your content management system much better.
Reactive Object Dragging and Scrolling – TowelJs
Towel.js is a handy reactive extension for MooTools for creating reactive effects: like momentum scrolling and dragging.
It is designed to to make event-based code easier to write and even more important: easier to read.
Open Source Software To Create Cross Platform Applications
Mono is an open source software to easily create cross platform applications. It is an open source implementation of Microsoft’s .Net Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime.
As this open source platofrm is built on Microsoft .Net, millions of deveopers are building applications in C# and a lot of books, websites, tutorials & source codes are available to get help from.
Mono Features
- Higher-Level Programming
- comprehensive class library provides thousands of built in classes
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Mono is built to be cross platform. Mono runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, and Sun Solaris, etc… In short, Mono allows you to run on nearly any computer in existance.
Website: http://mono-project.com/Start
Examples: http://mono-project.com/Screenshots#Open_Source_Applications
Download: http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html
Javascript Library To Inspect CSS Stylesheets – CSSUtilities
CSSUtilties is a free JavaScript library that provides capabilities to inspect CSS stylesheets in a detailed and accurate way (even than those provided by Firebug – Free Firefox Add-on).
CSSUtilities understands all versions of CSS including CSS3. It works in HTML, XHTML and XML and can equally handle physical or virtual DOMs.
Some Features
- Finds all the rules that apply to an element, including information about properties, media, specificity and inheritance
- Tells which properties apply directly, or which through inheritance
- It returns the specificity of any selector
This free JavaScript CSS inspection library makes these capabilities available to ordinary, unprivileged code that runs in any contemporary browser.