
Free Banner and Image Slider – SlideItMoo

SlideItMoo is a Banner and Image Slider developed with MooTools 1.2. This Free Banner and Image slider now supports continuous sliding when navigating, offers the possibility to set how the slider will slide ( from left or from right ) when used with the auto slide feature on, offers the possibility to give it the item width ( width of the slider’s items ) and let it display the elements according to that width and the visible items parameter.

Free Banner and Image Slider - SlideItMoo

Basically, you can use the script without the item width parameter, by default is null and the width of the elements is calculated by the script. For better control though, it’s recommended that you provide this value. The item width value is the width of a single item from the slider that includes any padding, margin or borders the element might have.

Website: http://www.php-help.ro/mootools-12…

Demo: http://www.php-help.ro/examples/slideitmoo_1.1/

  • looks great,It would be even better if this can be available as a plugin for wordpress.

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  • Great articles & Nice a site…. Have a nice Saturday

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