Feature Rich Javacript UI Framework: RightJS
RightJS is a compact (30k) feature rich JavaScript framework, along similar lines to JQuery or Prototype which:
- Compact by itself and allows others to write compact code
- Has standard predictable and really comfy API
- Supports multi-paradigm development and extensive OOP abilities
- Modular, with small and fast core
- Works fast and stable
According to the author’s own benchmarks, RightJS is faster than all the other major frameworks, and in some cases faster even than pure DOM manipulation, checkout a comparison against other frameworks.
RightJS has a subproject named RightJS UI that contains standard useful user interfaces and widgets.
Atatonic: A CSS Framework Focused On Typography
Atatonic is a Tiny CSS framework with main focus on typography. Atatonic is meant to make your web life easier and is created to provide a stable grid and solid typography.
Grid system in the Atatonic CSS Framework works like any other grid system, but its very lightweight and only about 10 lines of css.
Get Productive On PHP With Akelos PHP Framework
Akelos PHP Framework is an open source port of Ruby on Rails to the PHP programming language.
The main goal of the Akelos Framework its to help programmers to build multilingual database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. It lets you write less code by favoring conventions over configuration.
It allows you to:
- Write views using Ajax easily
- Control requests and responses through a controller
- Manage internationalized applications
- Communicate models and the database using simple conventions.
Mobile JavaScript Framework: baseJS
baseJS is a lightweight Javascript mobile framework intended for use with Mobile Safari on the iPhone and iPod Touch; it also works with Firefox and all WebKit-based browsers.
By providing shortcuts and reusable methods, baseJS helps you write code to be lightweight and expendable, perfect for the mobile web.
- Falls back on Sizzle selector library for iPhone 1.x (if query selector support unavailable)
- Encourages use of CSS Transitions and Animations
- Object-oriented mobile javascript framework
- Easy to extend
baseJS is not useable with Internet Explorer.
Sencha Touch: HTML5 Application Framework for Touch Mobiles
Sencha Touch – An HTML5 Mobile Application Development Framework that offers mobile application developers easy access to the powerful HTML5 technologies, including Geolocation, localStorage and CSS3.
Sencha Touch allows you to develop web apps that look and feel native on Apple iOS and Google Android touchscreen devices. It comes with many built-in UI Layout components including carousels, lists and tabs.
This HTML5 mobile application development framework supports custom events like:
- Tap
- Double tap
- Tap
- Hold & rotate, etc.
HTML5 CSS3 Application Framework & Widgets Toolkit – Alloy UI
Alloy UI is an HTML5 CSS3 Application Framework & and a rich widgets toolkit to deliver rich web applications with enjoyable user experiences.
It comes with many ready to use components including:
- Image gallery
- Calendar
- Color picker
- Charts
- Tooltips
This HTML5 CSS3 Framework is built upon YUI3 – Yahoo!’s JavaScript / CSS library and comes with many functional demos.
Object Oriented Javascript Framework – UIZE
UIZE is a free open source Object Oriented Javascript Framework which allows you to create effective & interactive user interfaces for your applications.
It is designed to facilitate development of JavaScript based applications for a range of computing platforms and a range of host environments.
The UIZE Object Oriented JavaScript Framework comes packed with a number of ready-to-go widgets:
- Progress bar
- Color picker
- Date picker
- Draggable and resizable window
Welcome to HTML5 and CSS3 – Tools, Resources & Frameworks
HTML5 is the major revision of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). It aims to reduce the need for proprietary plug-in-based rich internet application technologies such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation semantics of a document written in a markup language (HTML). CSS3 is level 3 language and based on modules.
Test your browser for HTML5 & CSS3 support
HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness
Visually test HTML5 & CSS3 features support for your browser. With your mouse wheel, it will scales up and down interestingly.
Canvas Based Drawing and Animation Framework – jcotton
jcotton, a javascript framework that lets you draw and animate on html canvas. It contains a simple to read and write interface that allows properties and animations to be chained together.
jcotton offers animating a range from simple shapes to complex curved ones with text animation support. It works on all major browsers and also supports mobile browsers (limited fonts).
Framework To Develop Web Based Forms – Formee
Formee is a framework to help you develop and customize web based forms. Formee helps users to save their time they spent on aligning fields and calculating margins and paddings in a quest for a perfect web form.
Formee works with the technique provided by Fluid 960 Grid System to compose the form’s layout, allowing total flexibility to put it in any website or web system.
Web Forms Features
- Customizable and flexible
- Accessible and usable
- Cross browser and W3C compatible web forms