jQuery News Previewer With Thumbnails
News Previewer let’s you show your latest articles or news in a compact way with thumbnails.
The news previewer will show some list of articles on the left side and the preview of the article with a longer description on the right. Once a news on the left is clicked, the preview will slide in.
HTML5 Mobile-Optimized Mapping & Tiling Library: Tile5
Tile5 is an open source HTML5 mapping javascript library that provides developers the ability to integrate existing mapping platforms (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc…) to provide a rich HTML5 experience.
In addition to providing a great API for mapping, Tile5 also excels at building more generic tiling application interfaces. Tile5 is targeted at both mobile and desktop browsers that support HTML5.
Perfect Image Gallery for Products & Portfolios: Moo Store Gallery
Moo Store Gallery is a lightweight image gallery with thumbnails that zoom to bigger size, smooth transitions, a great gallery effect. The gallery is perfect for sites featuring products and for designers / developers who wanted to show-up their portfolios.
CSS3 JavaScript Library: cssSandpaper
The cssSandpaper JavaScript library looks at the stylesheets in an HTML document and, where possible, smooths out the browser differences between CSS3 properties like transform
, opacity
, box-shadow
and others.
This script is not only useful for developers who want to support CSS3 in IE but in other browsers which implement their own vendor-specific variants of these properties.
SlideDeck Alternative, Free jQuery Accordion Plugin: Easy Accordion
Easy Accordion is a free horizontal accordion plugin and content slider built with jQuery. Easy Accordion is created by Andrea Cima Serniotti, when he discovered that SlideDeck is not as flexible as he wished it to be.
- Nice and smooth accordion effect
- Supports multiple accordion instances
- Text is rotated using CSS
- Accessible and SEO friendly
- Cross browser compatible
It is highly flexible and customizable horizontal slider, able to show any kind of content (text, images, lists, etc.).
Forgot Solid, Create Dynamic Gradients With Gradienter
Gradienter is a new and innovative jQuery gradient color plugin to dynamically add gradients to elements.
Gradienter have three parameters:
- First color in gradient
- Last color in gradient
- On which CSS property should apply gradient (background-color, color, border-color, etc…)
Create A Web Project Framework In Seconds: InstantCSSCode
Instant CSS Code allows you to quickly create a web project framework with valid HTML/xHTML and CSS in only a matter of seconds, allowing you to get your project up and running faster!
InstantCSSCode lets you choose:
- Document type of your project
- JavaScript library to be used (jQuery, Prototype, YUI, etc…)
- Page charset
- IDs to be used in the project
Easy Way to Revolve Quotes On Your Website: Quovolver
Quovolver is a simple extension for jQuery that takes a group of quotes and displays them on your page in an elegant way. It is lightweight yet effective way to revolve all the selected quotes in a clean and simple way.
Turn HTML Tables Into Advanced Editable Components
EditableGrid is an open source Javascript library aimed at turning HTML tables into advanced editable components. It focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of code are required to get your first table up and running.
You can use the EditableGrid library in two ways:
- Hook up to an existing HTML table
- Build your grid from an XML description of the table structure and contents
- Built-in validators for columns of type integer, double, url, email and date
- Open Flash Chart integration to render charts from the grid data
- PHP binding: build your grid in PHP and let it generate the XML file
- Column sorting & filtering of the grid
Cross-platform HTML5 And Flash Audio APIs: SoundManager 2
SoundManager 2 is a free JavaScript Audio API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP (experimental), providing reliable cross-browser / platform audio control.
This free Javascript audio API makes it easier to play audio using Javascript, checkout few of its features below:
- 100% Flash-free MP3 + MP4/AAC where supported
- Works on iPad, iPhone iOS 4
- Fallback to Flash for MP3/MP4 support
- RTMP / Flash Media Server streaming support (new, experimental)
- Audio buffering state/event handling
Audio, HTML5, Javascript, Mp3, MP4