Mac Like Dock Menu with jQuery Plugin – jqDock
The Dock – as anyone familiar with a Mac will know – is a set of iconic images that expand when rolled over with the cursor, and usually perform some action when clicked.
A Free jQuery Plugin to transform images into Mac Like Dock Menu. This gives you freedom to choose your own orientation, you can have menus in horizontal or vertical order with icons that expands on rollover. This free jQuery dock menu plugin also give options to choose whether you want to use lablels or not.
Powerful Javascript Accordion Menu Based on MooTools
BySlideMenu is a Powerful Javascript Accordion Menu baed on well known Javascript framework, MooTools. This Plugin allows you to easily create beautiful sliding accordion menu on any element you want (ul, li, div,…) using images / text.
Free Banner and Image Slider – SlideItMoo
SlideItMoo is a Banner and Image Slider developed with MooTools 1.2. This Free Banner and Image slider now supports continuous sliding when navigating, offers the possibility to set how the slider will slide ( from left or from right ) when used with the auto slide feature on, offers the possibility to give it the item width ( width of the slider’s items ) and let it display the elements according to that width and the visible items parameter.
jQuery Plugin To Make Beautiful Tabs and Sliders
tabSwitch is a jQuery Plugin to make beautiful tabs and sliders with less effort and knowledge. You could make a tab box system with the least of code and still fully customizable. Currently, you could choose from 7 different effects with 2 view styles. You could also hot swap the effects around in runtime.
JavaScript Dynamic Tree View Control For jQuery
Dynatree is a JavaScript dynamic tree view control with support for lazy loading of branches. Dynatree is a jQuery plugin that allows to dynamically create html tree view controls using JavaScript.
- Open source
- Object oriented interface
- Support for Ajax and lazy loading of branches
- Hierachical selection and checkboxes
- Keyboard aware
This tree menu is distributed under MIT License.
Website: http://wwwendt.de/tech/dynatree/
View Demo: http://wwwendt.de/tech/dynatree/doc/samples.html
Scrollable: jQuery Plugin To Scroll Content
Scrollable is a flexible & lightweight (3.9kb) jQuery plugin for creating scrollable contents.
Any content (HTML, video, text..) can be used as a scrolling item. And, it supports vertical scrolling besides the standard horizontal scrolling which makes it very ideal, specially for news sites or portals to present the flash contents.
Other features of Scrollable are:
- Setting the number of visible items
- Mouse, arrow keys and mousewheel (requires mousewheel.js) support
- Programmatic actions:
next, prev, nextPage, prevPage, seekTo, begin, end
- Know when list is scrolled with custom event listener
This jQuery plugin is built by the FlowPlayer team (see WRD post) and includes great examples (this & this) with FlowPlayer integration.
Cross-Browser CSS Drop-Down Menu Framework
CSS Drop-Down Menu Framework is a free & cross-browser solution to create good looking menus.
Download package already contains examples but new themes can be created very easily.
Menus can be transformed by only changing the class name. Available transformations are:
- horizontal
- vertical left-to-right
- vertical right-to-left
- horizontal linear
- horizontal upwards.
The framework normally uses only CSS but for IE6, there is a JavaScript file that must be included.