Perfect Image Gallery for Products & Portfolios: Moo Store Gallery
Moo Store Gallery is a lightweight image gallery with thumbnails that zoom to bigger size, smooth transitions, a great gallery effect. The gallery is perfect for sites featuring products and for designers / developers who wanted to show-up their portfolios.
Flexible MooTools Slideshow Widget: SlideShow
SlideShow is an extendable, flexible, and easy to implement MooTools Slideshow Widget. Use any element, not just images; this slideshow widget can be used to create:
- Slideshows
- Image galleries
- Tabs
- News tickers
Slideshow comes with packaged transitions but is easy to extend and create your own transitions. The class is built to handle the basics of a slideshow, extend it to implement your own navigation piece and custom transitions.
Growl-Like Notifications With MooTools Notification Plugin: Notimoo
Notifications and tooltips are a way for your applications to provide you with new information, without you having to switch from the application you’re already in. Most of the notification & tooltip scripts are developed with Javascript, jQuery and MooTools.
Greepit previously shared number of awesome notification resources, few of them are:
- Inline Javascript Notification – Notifier
- Advanced Javascript Tooltip Notification – Pines Notify
- Lightweight jQuery ToolTip Plugin – Tip Tip
Notimoo is a small (4kb) notification and tooltip plugin developed with MooTools, inspired by Mac OS application Growl.
It is an easy to use and highly configurable notification plugin comes with predefined settings that will allow anybody to use it just with a couple of lines.
Lightweight Tiny Alert System With CSS3: TinyAlert
TinyAlert is a lightweight (only 1.4k) alert system with Mootools and CSS3. Its easily customizable and bundled with few skins.
You can create your very own skins to match with your website or web application. You can also control the alert positions.
Client Side Form Validation Script – FormCheck
FormCheck is a lightweight MooTools Cient Side Form Validation script that performs tests to validate forms before submission.
- Display errors as tips or inline (before / after the field)
- Basic validation (required, alpha, digit, alphanu, length, confirm, …)
- Regex validation (phone, email, url)
- Custom function based validation
This form validation script is multi-lingual, cross browser compatible and can be easily customized with CSS.
MooTools HTML5 Canvas Library – MCL
MooTools Canvas Library (MCL) provides functionality to manage and interact with the content of a html5 canvas element.
It provides an easy to use interface for managing layers on a canvas object and enables you to use basic mouse events and provides drag n drop support for items.
This HTML5 Canvas Library is built utilizing many features of the MooTools javascript framework which is responsible for reduced filesize, great OOP and flexible events.
Reactive Object Dragging and Scrolling – TowelJs
Towel.js is a handy reactive extension for MooTools for creating reactive effects: like momentum scrolling and dragging.
It is designed to to make event-based code easier to write and even more important: easier to read.
Mouse Gesture Library with MooTools – Moousture
A Javascript based mouse gesture library implemented on Mootools Object Oriented standards and interacts with your mouse to load designated functions & events.
This mouse gesture library is small, simple but yet powerful to create applications that interact and understand mouse gestures.
Moousture is aimed to set out a future framework for mouse guestures for any browser including modern mobile devices.
Moousture is based on three(3) major concepts:
- A probe, which probes the pointing device
- A monitor, which tests the stability of probed device on given intervals and accordingly notifies Moousture events
- A Moousture recorder class that records the mouse movements and invoke the guesture object passed to it
This mouse gesture library supports iPhone and require MooTools framework to work.
MooTools for jQuery – moo4q
Moo4q is MooTools Object Oriented Classes for jQuery. It combines the power of MooTools Classes with the popularity of jQuery’s DOM library.
Moo4q automatically turns your MooTools Class into a jQuery plugin, making your objects accessible through jQuery syntax. It follows jQuery patterns for setting and getting values, instantiating stuff, and chaining.
Summing it up, Moo4q provides handy solution with MooTools for Object Oriented Programming for jQuery.
Check out some demos and the tutorial here.
Free Web Based WYSIWYG Editor
A simple, free web based WYSIWYG editor, written in MooTools.
- Clean & friendly interface
- Customizable buttons
- Lightweight
- Fully degradable when Javascript disabled