MIT License

360 articles

Semantic UI – Free Front-end Framework

Writing front end code shouldn't require learning the naming or programming conventions of a particular developer. Instead of using short-hand, or codified naming conventions, semantic uses simple, common language for parts of interface elements and familiar rules used in natural languages for describing elements. Semantic is a set of specifications for sharing UI elements between developers. Semantic is also a…

A Simple jQuery Plugin for Creating Single Page Websites – Animatescroll.js

AnimateScroll is a jQuery plugin for creating single page websites, it enables you to scroll to any part of the page in style by just calling the animatescroll() function with the Id or Classname of the element where you want to scroll to. It gives power to the user with its various options to customize the style of scrolling, scroll…

A jQuery Plugin for Responsive, Mobile Friendly Navigation: Naver

Naver is an easy way to turn any navigation system into a responsive-ready, mobile-friendly toggle. The navigation states can be also be animated. The navigation states can be also be animated. Naver works by setting heights, so when transitioning between break points you may wish to reset the navigation state. You will need to use a plugin like Rubberband to…

Mobile/Tablet-Friendly Parallax Effect: Parallax.js

Parallax.js is a lightweight solution for creating parallax effects. Parallax.js is a simple, lightweight Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device. Where no gyroscope or motion detection hardware is available, the position of the cursor is used instead. Simply create a list of elements giving each item that you want to move within your parallax scene…

Easy Interaction With the DOM — HTML JS

HTML(.js) is a JavaScript library that eases interaction with the DOM. The library supports human-readable code and features several methods for working with and managing the DOM. HTML lets you traverse and search the DOM with intuitive, readable, consistent code for both nodes and arrays of nodes. HTML has a modular design that is easy to extend, adapt or customize…

Make Your Content Editable with Medium.js

This is Medium.js, it keeps HTML code within contenteditable semantic, simple, and clean. It also allows for placeholders, automatic HR creation, events, hotkeys, and more. It is Library Independent. It supports Rich text editing with hotkeys (cmd/ctrl+[,b,u,i]). You can use it for Inline editors, partial editors, and rich editors. It is great for writing articles, comments, or titles. Great to…

A Scalable And Mean Boilerplate — MEAN

MEAN is a boilerplate that provides a nice starting point for MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS based applications. It is designed to give you quick and organized way to start developing of MEAN based web apps with useful modules like mongoose and passport pre-bundled and configured. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume Template[/rss] [rss]Open…

Simple API for Building Your Own Google Analytics Dashboard – OOcharts JS

OOcharts is the Simple API for Google Analytics. It is an awesome little project that makes it easy to embed and share Google Analytics data through charts. API Keys are created to give access to certain Google Analytics profiles. For every request to OOcharts, you will need a valid API Key. They queue your requests that would normally exceed the…

A Lightweight Frontend Framework for Responsive Apps – SkelJS

SkelJS is a lightweight front-end framework for building responsive sites and apps. Consisting of only a single JS file (weighing in at just 18kb as of this version), it gives designers and developers access to four powerful components: CSS Grid System, Responsive Handler, CSS Shortcuts and Plugin System. A sophisticated 12 column CSS grid system with a concise, uncluttered syntax,…

Create Pretty Business Charts in Minutes With Dimple

An object-oriented API allowing you to create flexible axis-based charts using d3.js. The intention of this project is to allow analysts who are not necessarily expert JavaScript programmers to create standard (and some not-so-standard) business analytics. The API will also expose the core d3 objects where possible so that as users gain confidence they can extend the base functionality in…