Archive For July, 2011

34 articles

Free Android GUI Vector PSD (High Pixel Density)

One of the challenges of an ever-changing digital channel, is that we find ourselves spending more and more time designing for various platforms and form factors. One such platform is Google Android. To help improve the design workflow teehanlax made a free GUI Vector PSD for Google Android 2.3.4. The template is based on the most popular screen size (normal) and…

Easily Add Maps to Your Website: MapQuery

Hope you did not miss our recent post about the use of maps as emerging trend in web design. If you have not followed the suit yet, now is the time. Because it is now quite easy to add maps to your websites with MapQuery. MapQuery, a jQuery plugin that you can use to add maps to your website. Whether you…

Determine the Visible Fractions of An HTML Element: jQuery.fracs

jQuery.fracs determines the visible fraction of an HTML element that is currently in the viewport, as well as the fraction it takes of the complete viewport and the fraction of the area that might possibly be visible. It also provides the coordinates of the visible rectangle in document, element and viewport space. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free…

JavaScript Library for Enhancing HTML Select Boxes: Chosen

Chosen is a tiny JavaScript library for enhancing HTML select boxes. This plugin hides standard HTML selects and provides an alternative using modern HTML and CSS. That means it’s possible to add behaviour that standard selects don’t support without losing support when JavaScript is turned off. Instead of forcing your users to scroll through a giant list of items, they can…

360 Rotatable Bubble Style Tooltips: grumble.js

grumble.js is a jQuery plugin which lets you add a bubble style tooltip to any element; configure its rotation on a 360 degree axis and define its distance from the centre of the element. Bubble size adapts to contents - perfect when text is localised and size can not be determined up front. Features Rotated around a given element at…

Create Visual Scrolling Navigation: Ascensor

One of the top trends in web design is effective and creative content navigation. You can experience all types of horizontal and vertical navigation of different style in modern websites. To get started with creative navigation, today we are featuring Ascensor, which is a scrolling navigation jQuery plugin which aims to train and adapt content according to an elevator system. Ascensor identifies div child…

Designing User Friendly Websites and Applications with Notify!

Would we be ever able to design products that are so easy and usable that we never need to to train or teach users? This is a question that I often ask my peers and mentors. Most people agree that we can simplify design but designing a product that is "so intuitive anyone can use it" is like the "product…

Best Practices for Building JavaScript Applications: JavaScriptMVC

JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework containing the best ideas in jQuery development. It guides you to successfully completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and convention over configuration. It is for those people who care about things like test driven development, performance, code quality, structure and maintainability. Built on top of jQuery, it consists of the following standalone components: StealJS…

Sleeker, Simplified New Google Interface Buttons

Google rolled out a new design across many of their services as part of the Google+ launch. The new look presents a sleeker, simplified Google that puts the emphasis on your data and not on the interface. Part of the design's success are the new Google buttons. Great UIs tend to have simple, obvious buttons that are standard across the…

jQuery UI Range Selection Slider that Supports Dates: jQRangeSlider

If you are like me, obsessed with smart touch phones and tablets, you would naturally want to touch and slide everything on a UI. Till the time when touch-enabled devices would be really common, there are a few smart tools that allow you to provide user controls that actually 'simulate' gestures like slide etc. on web pages and applications - jQRangeSlider…