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360 articles

Easy A/B and Multivariate Testing using Google Analytics & jQuery – easyAB

easyAB is a light-weight jQuery / Zepto plugin for easily setting up A/B and multivariate tests using Google Analytics. This tool aims at helping entrepreneurs and tech savvy building better landing pages for their projects and products. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume Template[/rss] [rss]Open Source Icons[/rss] [rss]Free Minimal Wordpress Theme[/rss]

Open Source JavaScript Task Automation Tool – Automaton

You often find yourself needing to do some repetitive operation, and this is usually the time to quickly bake some ad-hoc script. Still, from project to project you find yourself needing to reuse some task you had already previously created. Automaton is an open source task automation tool built in JavaScript and it eases this process, allowing you to quickly…

A JavaScript/CSS Library for Flipping Everything: Flippant.js

Flippant.js is a tiny, dependency-free JavaScript/CSS library for flipping over DOM nodes. Easy to use and customize, styles can be overriden or you can pass in your own classes as well. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume Template[/rss] [rss]Open Source Icons[/rss] [rss]Free Minimal Wordpress Theme[/rss]

Simple Static 2D Line HTML5 Charts: Aristochart

Aristochart is highly customizable and flexible line charting library for canvas. Aristochart allows you to focus on aesthetic while it manages the data behind the scenes. Aristochart has a growing list of community sourced themes for you to pick and choose from. It has indepth documentation of it's internals and options that you can edit and extend. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design…

Quickly Create Site for Open Source Project: Flatdoc

Flatdoc is the fastest way to create a site for your open source project. It is a small JavaScript file that fetches Markdown files and renders them as full pages. Essentially, it’s the easiest way to make open source documentation from Readme files. There is no server-side components, no build process needed. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling…

Frontend Framework for Building Responsive Sites and Apps: Skel.js

Skel JS is a sophisticated 12 column CSS grid system with tons of cool features and a concise, uncluttered syntax for building responsive sites and apps. It offers a streamlined replacement for CSS media queries that's intelligent and extremely easy to work with. It comes with handy shortcuts to deal with common CSS tasks, like browser resets and global box model changes. Skel…

Simple JavaScript Library for Creating Fast, Themable FPS Meter: FPSMeter

FPSMeter is a simple JavaScript library for sexy, fast, and themable FPS meter. It can measure: Frames per second Number of milliseconds between frames Number of milliseconds it takes to render one frame FPSMeter supports multiple instances on one page, has show/hide methods that also pause the meter rendering, and color heatmaps that make themes even more pretty! [rss]Special Downloads[/rss]…

CSS Redundancy Analyzer: csscss

csscss is a CSS redundancy analyzer, it will parse any CSS files you give it and let you know which rule sets have duplicated declarations. One of the best strategies to maintain CSS is to reduce duplication as much as possible. To do that, you need to have all the rule sets in your head at all times. That's hard, csscss is…

Build Cross Platform Games And Interactive Applications: Polycode

Polycode is a free, open source framework for building cross platform games and interactive applications. You can use Polycode as a C++ library or write everything in Lua using the Polycode IDE. Polycode's API is designed around the "do more with less code" philosophy. It uses a managed scenegraph system that takes care of rendering and updates, but provides the ability…