
170 articles
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Horizontal Javascript Accordion Menu!

This versatile 1kb horizontal accordion script can be used for menus, images, presentation content and more. The script will automatically adjust to the number of elements in the accordion and the dimensions of the accordion. The front-end markup for the script is a simple unordered list as in the example below… <ul id="sm" class="sm"> <li><img src="images/1.gif" alt="" /></li> <li><img src="images/2.gif"…
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jQuery.popeye: A Lightbox Alternative

jQuery.popeye is a plugin which transforms an unordered list of images into a simple image gallery which enlarges the image clicked in Lightbox style. The images are displayed in a box with prev-next controls & an info about the images can be mentioned. The compact box has fixed, automatically calculated dimensions. The width and height are calculated so that all…
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Thumbizy – An amzging tool to generate thumbnails

Thumbizy is a powerful & free instant website thumbnail generator that can help you to take snapshot of any website. You will just need to give the url of the website and select the thumbnail size. This is an ajax based web service that will instantly provide you screenshot of your given website.
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17 Wonderful Free Tools To Make Designers Lives Easier!

This is the wonderful list of 17 free and online web based tools for designers and developers which may be very helpful for you as well when you are at work. Designers and Developers will must like this list but you can also use them and will love whether you are office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. Most…
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9 Best Sources of Ajax/Javascript Examples and Demos

In this collection, you’ll find 9 excellent websites and blogs that provide high-quality examples and tutorials on Ajax and Javascript . 1. Ajax Rain AjaxRain has illustrated examples of some nifty web-fx that can be achieved with combinations of AJAX, CSS, DHTML or Javascript. Some of the demos are definitely worth a look, even if you aren’t a web designer/programmer.…
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Easy Rounded Corners: jQuery Corners

jQuery Corners is a jQuery plugin for creating nice-looking, anti-aliased rounded corners without using any images. The plugin is unobtrusive & works well with all major browsers including iPhone. The corners to be rounded & the radius of the corners can be easily set. And, a great feature is the ability to round form buttons.
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Open Source Share/Bookmark Script: iBegin Share

iBegin Share is an open source "content share & bookmark" script. Visitors can save/ spread the content as: share/bookmark at social bookmarking websites send it via e-mail save as PDF or DOC print The script comes as a standalone version & Wordpress plugin. And, contents shared at any time period can be analyzed with a stats page.
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Sliding jQuery Image Gallery: prettyGallery (And prettyPhoto: A jQuery Lightbox Clone)

prettyGallery is a jQuery plugin for creating sliding image galleries on the fly. Besides images, any content can be presented within the slider. Images in the gallery are defined in an ordered list. Items per page, speed of the navigation & labels used can be configured. The gallery uses prettyPhoto, a jQuery Lightbox clone,  for displaying the images in large-size.…
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UI Library For MooTools: JxLib

JxLib is a JavaScript library for creating graphical user interfaces just like jQuery UI, Ext JS or Dijit. It is based on MooTools & well-document with a list examples. The library includes: layout managers buttons tabs toolbars dialogs panels trees grid control JxLib helps creating very clean & easy to use interfaces that can be seen from the examples.