Charts & Maps

46 articles

JavaScript Diagramming Library: JointJS

These days most professionals rely on online collaboration tools to create and share information. Take the example of Google Docs, Adobe Buzzword etc. However, there are very few diagramming tools for online users to  create and share technical diagrams free of cost. However, JointJS does allow you to cater to all the needs of online diagramming for free. JointJS is a JavaScript diagraming library…

Easily Add Maps to Your Website: MapQuery

Hope you did not miss our recent post about the use of maps as emerging trend in web design. If you have not followed the suit yet, now is the time. Because it is now quite easy to add maps to your websites with MapQuery. MapQuery, a jQuery plugin that you can use to add maps to your website. Whether you…

Client Side Google Chart API Implementation using HTML5 Canvas: Yokul

If you are looking for a free charting control for you websites or web applications, the options are in plenty. Google Charts API, for instance, is a great tool. But sometimes you want to play in your own style and do more than what these solutions would allow you. Fortunately, you can find a way out somehow... take the example…

Create Advanced Google Maps with GMAP3 jQuery Plugin

GMAP3 is a jQuery plugin which simplifies the use of the Google Map v3 and allows developers to use every functions that the API supports to create advanced Google Maps. It comes with advanced features (overlays, clusters, callbacks, events etc.) and can be used for many purposes like: Using a context menu on Google maps Searching an address on Google…

JavaScript Line Graphs using Raphael and jQuery: SimpleGraph

SimpeGraph is a free charting tool that allow you to render simple line graphs with JavaScript using Raphael and jQuery. It is lightweight, compatible with most modern browsers and can be used to manipulate a variety of data range. SimpleGraph is easy to implement. Just try it out and let us know your thoughts! [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling…

jVectorMap: Vector Maps and Data Visualization on HTML Pages

Challenged with graphical illustration of geographical data? Try simple and interactive geographical heat maps designed with jVectorMap. jVectorMap is a jQuery plugin for creating vector maps and data visualization  on HTML pages. This simple plugin can be used for many other purposes; heat maps, data visualization, interactive maps being  just a few examples. jVectorMap uses SVG to provide compatibility with all modern…

Create Tile-based Interactive Maps With Leaflet Javascript Library

Leaflet. Yet another cartography tool? Yeah, that is pretty much it. We have already shared a number of tool for making maps here, here, and here but Leaflet is truly useful tool for making maps for desktop, web and mobile application. Based on a lightweight JavaScript library for making tile-based interactive maps, Leaftlet provides you with an easy-to-use framework to design…

Quickly Create Maps For The Web: TileMill

Hope you did not miss our recent post on use of maps in website designs as major trends in 2011 where we discussed how maps are being used creatively for many different purposes. Whether you are designing for a location based service or playing with maps in your website, there are a number of useful mapping tools available online for…

Free Stylish Clickable Map of Europe using CSS and jQuery

Interactive maps are now all over the web and are being used in many different ways on websites and web applications. Check out why integration of maps is leading the emerging trends in web design and how people are actually using them on their website and web applications. Today's post is about a simple jQuery script that allows you to…

Pie Timing Plugin for jQuery: Pietimer

Pietimer is a creative way to perform time-bound actions on websites and web applications. In fact, it is an alternate to traditional countdown timers that are usually used in web pages. Pietimer displays a reducing pie disk and triggers a callback function as the pie disappears completely. The pie is used as a canvas element on a web page and inherits height…