Archive For September, 2011

35 articles

Asynchronous Image Loader jQuery Plugin: JAIL

While optimizing website, the foremost element that you need to take care of is optimizing graphics because they owe a lot to the total load time of a web page. Websites that use a lot of imagery such as portfolio websites need to be optimized for faster processing and rendering of images. However, this is not possible all the time.…

Create Customized Canvas Preloaders / Spinners: CanvasLoader

CanvasLoader is a lightweight JavaScript UI library, which uses the HTML5 Canvas element to draw and animate circular preloaders / spinners. This free tool helps you to create slick preloaders / spinners for your projects. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume Template[/rss] [rss]Open Source Icons[/rss] [rss]Free Minimal Wordpress Theme[/rss]

Create Impressive Zoomable, Full Screen Portfolio Sites with jmFullWall

The best a professionals in creative services can get out of the Web is creative display of his/her work which is available online anywhere anytime. However, designing an online portfolio display is not as easy as putting a simple HTML page with thumbnails. A portfolio is like the first impression an online visitor (potential client) interfaces before asking about skills and rate.…

Freebie: File Input PSD

File input in HTML forms lets users include entire files from their system into a form submission. The files could be text files, image files, or other data. Today's quick freebie is File Input PSD showing two states. Licensing This file is free for personal and commercial use. However, you can not redistribute, sale, re-upload this file. Do not directly…

Visualizing Time Series Data With Cube

Analytics and Business Intelligence are rapidly becoming essential component of business applications. Whether the purpose is to visualize data, monitor trends or forecast business conditions, visualizing data in an easy way to represent digits and binaries into a presentable and understandable format. There are a number of data visualization tools discussed on this blog already. Today we are featuring Cube, which is an open-source…

jQuery Plugin for Creating Single Page Web Sites: Pagify.js

Pagify.js is a simple jQuery plugin for creating single page web sites. It replaces the contents of a div with content from other html files. It is very easy to use, simply include pagify.js, create a div, make one jQuery call and you're done! Get started by only specifying a list of pages or customize animations, default pages and caching.…

iOS Boilerplate: A Base Template for iOS App Development

If you are new to the development for iOS platform, iOS Bolierplate is  just the right starting point for you. It is not a framework but provides basic building blocks that you would need to start your project. iOS Boilerplate is inspired by HTML5 boilerplate and supports iPhone / iPod Touch devices with iOS 4.0 or greater (with possibility of iPad support in…

CSSButton: Online Tool to Create Usable, Stunning CSS3 Buttons

When it comes to developing websites or applications for the web, there are 101 ways to speed up your development cycle by embedding 'ready-made', free and open source resources in your project. It actually saves a lot of time and effort that you would otherwise spend on tasks that do not related to your core requirements. For instance, I would…

Modern CSS Grid System: The Semantic Grid System

In our previous post we discussed how JavaScript and other programming languages are evolving to to support the shift of software from desktop to the Web. Sequel to the previous post, today we are discussing the modern approach to web layouts using powerful and dynamic CSS grid systems based on LESS.js. For those who are not familiar with LESS framework, LESS…

JavaScript Image Effects Library: glfx.js

These days most part of the software and programming technologies is converging on the web. Reciprocally all modern browsers and web platforms are undergoing major changes to accommodate the latest 'web-enabled' technologies. Take the example of image manipulation and graphical effects. Previously dependent on hardware and operating system, image and graphic manipulation technologies are widely supported on the web now. JavaScript…