Archive For February, 2012

25 articles

Common Interface Patterns of HTML CSS: Pears

Pears is a collection of commonly used interface pattern pairings of CSS & HTML. Pears is an open source WordPress theme, enabling people like you to get your own pattern library up and running quickly. This is for sure a handy way of collecting HTML & CSS pattern pairs. Often used modules with a minimal of style applied. It's become…

Open Source Library for Drawing HTML5 Charts and Graphs: Flotr2

Flotr2 is an Open Source JavaScript library for drawing HTML5 charts and graphs. It is a branch of flotr which removes the Prototype dependency and includes many improvements. Major Features Mobile Support Framework Independent Extensible Plugin Framework Custom Chart Types FF, Chrome, IE6+, Android, iOS Compatibility [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free Creative Resume Template[/rss] [rss]Open…

Mark and Highlight Article Reading Progress with youRhere

youRhere is a lightweight awesome jQuery plugin which gives your readers a chance to mark their article reading progress by just clicking it. The plugin uses HTML5′s local storage API that allows the user to save his reading progress, supports rtl and ltr styles and compatible with all modern browsers. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design Freebies[/rss] [rss]Feedback Collection and Polling Widget[/rss] [rss]Free…

Client Side Pagination jQuery Plugin: jPages

jPages is a client-side pagination plugin but it gives you a lot more features comparing to most of the other plugins for this purpose, such as auto page turn, key and scroll browse, showing items with delay, completely customizable navigation panel and also integration with Animate.css and Lazy Load. Apart from all its features, the main diference for the other…

HTML5 Web Database Implementation: HTML5SQL

html5sql is a light JavaScript module that makes working with the HTML5 Web Database a whole lot easier. Its primary function is to provides a structure for the SEQUENTIAL processing of SQL statements within a single transaction. This alone greatly simplifies the interaction with the database however it doesn't stop there. Many other smaller features have been included to make…