
All About The Keyboard – Handling Keyboard Shortcuts In JavaScript: Mousetrap

Mousetrap is a simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript. Mousetrap is a standalone library with no external dependencies. It weighs in at around 1.5kb minified and gzipped. It has support for keypress, keydown, and keyup events on specific keys, keyboard combinations, or key sequences.


Free Lightweight Datepicker jQuery Plugin: Zebra Datepicker

Zebra Datepicker is a small, compact and highly configurable datepicker jQuery plugin, meant to enrich forms by adding the datepicker functionality to them. This jQuery plugin will automatically add a calendar icon to the indicated input fields which, when clicked, … Continue reading


Powerful JavaScript Animation Library for jQuery: JSTween

While good for simple effects, popular JavaScript libraries like jQuery lack the Oomph required to animate complex user interactions in the DOM. JSTween was designed from the ground up for speed and precision, allowing it to handle more simultaneous animations … Continue reading

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