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Browsing articles tagged with " jQuery"

Collaborative Online Scrum Tool Using Websockets and Node.js: Scrumblr

Scrumblr is a web-based simulation of a physical agile sprint board that supports real-time collaboration. It is built using node.js, websockets (using socket.io), CSS3, and jQuery.

Collaborative Online Scrum Tool Using Websockets and Node.js: Scrumblr

Scrumblr works on up to date Chrome and Firefox browsers. Enable websockets for optimal performance.


jQuery Pagination Plugin: Smart Paginator

Got a lot of content to manage in a limited browser space? Try Smart Paginator!

Smart Paginator is free jQuery plugin for pagination that you can use to paginate large amounts of data or content without sacrificing your design and user experience. You can integrate SmartPaginator is any web application and style it according to your design scheme. All the navigation logic is built-in to the code and can be modified and controlled with simple parameters.

jQuery Pagination Plugin: Smart Paginator


A jQuery Plugin to Tag Pictures: jTag

jTag is a free jQuery plugin that allows you to give a facebook-like image tagging system on your website or blog. It is powerful, easy to implement and costs nothing. If you display images, illustrations or digital graphics on your website, it is time to get rid of static and plain captions. With jTag, you can add more information to your images and offer a more interactive experience to users.

jTag is compatible with all major browsers (Firefox, IE, Chrome etc.).

A jQuery Plugin to Tag Pictures


Advanced jQuery Templates For Layout and User Interaction Management: Magic jQuery

Magic jQuery is a jQuery plugin for experimental web designers and developers who want to gain more control on page layouts and templates.

Advanced jQuery Templates For Layout and User Interaction Management

Based on advance jQuery and CSS, Magic jQuery provides simple ways to:

  • Control alignment and movement of page elements between themselves – the result is clean and clutter-free rendering of page elements on almost any layout or template.
  • Simplify the management of drop-down menus, carrousels, tabs, menu actions (open, play, pause, stop…) etc.
  • Create configurable and simple inner-page messages as per page layout and template

By providing  these smart features in a jQuery Plugin, Magic jQuery makes it quite easy to manage CSS based templates and user interaction designs.


Tiny jQuery Plugin for Searching the DOM: domsearch.js

domsearch.js is a tiny jQuery plugin for searching the DOM and narrowing down elements such as table or lists down to matches extracted with LiquidMetal.

Tiny jQuery Plugin for Searching the DOM

domsearch.js makes searching elements like tables very simple with a good speed and performance.


Excel Style Fixed Header and Columns for HTML Table: jQuery FixedTable

jQuery.FixedTable is a jQuery plugin to create excel style fixed header and columns for an HTML table.

Excel Style Fixed Header and Columns for HTML Table


  • Allow horizontal and vertical scroll
  • Support multiple HTML tables with fixed header and columns on one page
  • The number of fixed columns can be customize
  • The background colors of each row when mouse is over and out can be customized


960 Grid on jQuery Mobile: jQuery Mobile 960

jQuery Mobile 960 is a port of 960 grid to jQuery mobile, to more flexible on tablets.

It merge the flexibility of 960.gs, and the ease of jquery mobile. It aims to bring more flexibility to jQuery mobile layout and thus make it easier to use on tablets.

960 Grid on jQuery Mobile: jQuery Mobile 960

jQuery Mobile 960 has 2 versions of 960 grids: one is fixed width of 960px, the other is fluid. Each version supports 12 and 16 columns.


Open Source jQuery Components Library: Amplify

Amplify is a jQuery components library designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API.

Open Source jQuery Components Library: Amplify

The goal of this open source jQuery component library is to simplify all forms of data handling by providing a unified API for various data sources.

Amplify’s store component handles persistent client-side storage, using standards like localStorage and sessionStorage, but falling back on non-standard implementations for older browsers.

Amplify’s request adds some additional features to jQuery’s ajax method while abstracting away the underlying data source.


Dynamic Breadcrumbs with XML and jQuery: Smart Breadcrumbs

Smart Breadcrumbs is a useful breadcrumb navigation generator script. Smart Breadcrumb plugin follows the centralized dynamic approach and creates XML driven breadcrumb navigation with the help of jQuery.

Dynamic Breadcrumbs with XML and jQuery

No HTML markups, no maintenance hassles, simply provide an XML file containing your site structure, reference necessary scripts and CSS files.


Client Side Form Validation With Custom Error Messages: bValidator

bValidator is a jQuery validation plug-in for client side form validation. It supports fully customized error messages defined with template and CSS.

Client Side Form Validation With Custom Error Messages

This client side validation plugin comes with many validation functions like:

  • Date validation
  • Email validation
  • URL and IP address
  • Validation of dynamic forms
  • Customized validation functions and more…

Open source icons
Creative and Clean Resume Template