OpenInviter: Open Source Contact Importer From E-mail Providers, Social Networks
OpenInviter is an open source PHP class, written in PHP5, for importing contacts from most of the well-known e-mail providers & social networks.
Such an invite feature is great, specially when presented as optional, to gain new users/visitors to any service.
There are already ready to use integrations for:
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Joomla
- phpBB & more.
OpenInviter supports:
- Gmail
- Windows Live
- Yahoo
- Mail.com
- Friendster
- hi5
- Myspace & more..
Requirements: PHP5 & cURL or wget
Website: http://openinviter.com/
Good work
I have lost client 1 month ago for importing contacts but help in future
keep it up
Great articles & Nice a site
Thanks, I enjoyed reading your post. It
Great stuff. Nice to read some well written posts. A long way between them.
Interesting blog post. What would you say was the most important marketing factor?
If we talk about the Off site SEO then Social bookmarking is an important factor and drilling down more… i would recommend to bookmark with Linkedin / Stumbleupon and Delicious.
Great stuff. Nice to read some well written posts. A long way between them.
Great stuff. Nice to read some well written posts. A long way between them.
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When will it stop….hopefully never
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Once again an excellent written post from you. Keep it up!
Very well written post however, I would recommend that you turn the No Follow off in your comment section.
Keep up the good work.
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Best Regards and Best of Luck
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