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An Inline Lightbox Alternative jQuery Plugin – jQuery.popeye

A beautiful Inline Lightbox Alternative jQuery Plugin. The author of jQuery.popeye wanted something more integrated in the flow of the web page – a box with a small preview image with caption, the possibility to flip through an array of more thumbnails and, of course, to show an enlarged version, all in one place.

An Inline Lightbox Alternative jQuery Plugin

Moreover, he wanted the box to stay anchored to the page layout and not hovering above it disconnectedly. The way to achieve this was writing a script which would fix one corner of the enlarged image to the exact spot where the thumbnail had been.

Requirements: jQuery Framework

Website: http://herr-schuessler.de/blog/jquerypopeye-…

Demo: http://dev.herr-schuessler.de/examples/jquery-popeye/

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