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Drop-in jQuery Replacement for Prototype & on Rails: jRails

jRails is a drop-in jQuery replacement for Prototype/ on Rails. This brief description might not convince you to use JRails unless you are in any of these situations:

  • You are upgrading your existing applications to Rails 3 just to disover that Prototype helpers that you have been using do not work with Rails 3
  • You are a Rails developer and want to use a lighter JQuery library
  • You are looking for a replacement of Prototype helper or

Drop-in jQuery Replacement for Prototype / on Rails: jRails

JRails allows you to use JQuery as javascript library on Rails platform. The latest release of JRails includes support for basic AJAX calls, RJS, observers as well as a limited set of functionality for draggables, droppables, sortables and visual effects. Support will continue to grow as the jQuery UI and FX libraries mature.

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