We just had a round trip of the World Wide Web and brought back some useful pointers for you.
Future of Web Design
First thing first, the much awaited Future of Web Design Conference 2011 is going to commence on May 16th. This is going to be an eventful conference with three days of workshops and technical sessions on HTML5, CCS3, web design, creativity and a lot of exciting ideas for designers, developers, startups and entrepreneurs. You would also get a chance to talk to gurus like Jeffrey Veen, the founder of Typekit, Aarron Walter, the user experience lead of MailChimp and many others. If you are in London, register today to confirm your booking.
Past, Present, and Future of User Experience
Cennydd Bowles has written a detailed post on the fall and rise of user experience. It is a long long long article but really worth reading. Cennydd has explored past, present and future of the practice and occupation of user experience and information architecture.
Crowd Sourcing for Winning Products
Also check out Waqas Mughal’s thoughts on crowd sourcing for changing consumer behavior, and designing/ branding products.
Free Image Gallery Style WordPress Theme
Finally, have a look at MyPhoto – an image gallery style wordpress theme. It is elegant, lightweight yet powerful enough to handle a large portfolio/photography site. MyPhoto wordpress theme is released under GPL license.