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Truncate HTML Code to Limit Its Length by Number of Words: Cutter.js

Cutter.js is a class to truncate HTML code to limit its length by number of words, without losing the markup.

Cutter solves the problem when its needed to cut some content by a number of words but its mandatory no lose any markup. Cutter cuts the content to the number of requested words and if needed puts a link to open the full content again.


  • No markup is lost
  • Framework agnostic
  • The content can be written without take care about the full content
  • Not needed to have two different contents


Adobe Edge Creates Flash-like Animations with HTML5

Adobe Edge is a new web motion and interaction design tool that allows designers to bring animated content to websites, using web standards like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3.


  • Create new compositions with Edge’s drawing and text tools
  • Import popular web graphics such as SVG, PNG, JPG or GIF files
  • Easily choreograph animation with the timeline editor
  • Energize existing HTML files with motion, while preserving the integrity of CSS-based HTML layouts

Edge will be updated regularly to add new functionality, stay ahead of evolving web standards, and incorporate user feedback to provide the best functionality and experience possible. This is an early look at Edge with more capabilities to come.


Customizable, Free Date Picker Calendar jQuery Plugin: glDatePicker

glDatePicker is a simple, customizable, lightweight date picker calendar plugin for jQuery weighing in just over 3.5KB compressed (8KB uncompressed).

This Free Date Picker jQuery Plugin allows multiple instances on one page and users can have different styles for every calendar plugin.


  • Forward and backward navigation
  • Current date highlight
  • Restricting selection of dates outside of a range
  • Restricting selection of dates beyond N-days from start date



OS X Lion Interface Buttons in CSS

Greepit previously shared New Google Interface Buttons in CSS, today we are sharing another awesome CSS Buttons collection for spice up your user interfaces.

OS X Lion was released recently and part of the new design is new icon buttons. Our friends at Pixify recreated OS X Lion’s buttons in CSS for use in your UI.

The guys simply numbered the buttons 1 to 200 and wrote a three-line script to spit out the CSS for each of the 200 buttons.



jQuery-powered HTML5 UI Framework: Kendo UI

If you ask me one thing that is going to change the entire domain of web design in near future, that is HTML5. It is powerful, dynamic and lightweight. It not only supplements the modern standards of CSS3 and JavaScript but also provide native support to handle dynamic content including rich imagery, animation, data-driven objects and the ability to render on all modern devices. Enough reasons to embrace HTML5, yeah?

Now the question that all newbies should be asking is: how to get started with HTML5 instantly. The answer is: Leverage the power HTML5 frameworks like Kendo UI.

Kendo UI is a powerful framework for rapid  HTML5 UI development. Based on the latest HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript standards, it delivers everything needed for client-side, jQuery-powered development in one integrated, compact package.

Kendo UI combines everything needed for modern JavaScript development, including a powerful DataSource, universal Drag-and-Drop, Templates, Themes, and UI Widgets.


Open Source Multi User JavaScript Chat Client for Jabber: Candy

Candy is an open source multi-user JavaScript chat client for Jabber with beautiful default theme. It lets you join multiple rooms, start private conversations and get notified when new messages arrive.

This JavaScript chat client ignores spammers, lets you kick / ban users and change the subject of the room.


  • Focused on real-time multi-user chatting
  • Easy to configure, easy to run, easy to use
  • 100% well-documented JavaScript source code
  • Built for Jabber (XMPP), using famous technologies
  • Used and approved in a productive environment with up to 400 concurrent users


An HTML5 WordPress Framework: PressWork

If you are still tied to old WordPress interface with limited freedom to play with your site’s design and layout, we highly recommend that you check out PressWork.

It is a free, open source HTML5 WordPress theme framework that gives you freedom and power to take control of your WordPress sites. PressWork fully supports all the modern WordPress themes built on HTML5 and CSS3.

It also allows you to modify the design and layout of your website in a visual, interactive, and drag-and-drop environment. You can also add your personal style to your website in PressWork with builtin support for Google Fonts API.



Tools for Ruby Developers: The Ruby Toolbox

The Ruby Toolbox is a great resource for Ruby developers where they can choose from a variety of tools to get their job done.

The Ruby Toolbox gives an overview of useful tools, sorted in categories and rated by the amount of watchers and forks in the corresponding source code repository on GitHub so you can find out easily what options you have and which are the most common ones in the Ruby community.



Easy jQuery Plugin Development: jQuery Boilerplate

jQuery Boilerplate is a skeletal framework for easy jQuery plugin development.

It is truly object-oriented, it implements public and private methods as well as public and private properties, making it the ideal candidate for when building both simple and complex jQuery plugins.

It does not adhere to the suggestions made by the jQuery documentation regarding Plugins/Authoring and by doing so it provides better performance and memory usage by not creating multiple instances of itself and attaching them to the target DOM elements.

I am a big fan of such boilerplate due to the fact they simplify web development works and let beginners get started quickly. You can also try the following boilerplate for your next development project.



Open Source Web Based Code Editor: Ace

Earlier known as ‘Bespin’ and then as ‘Skywriter’  Ace (Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor) is a no-compromise code editor component for the web. Ace (Ajax Cloud9 Editor) is an open source web based code editor written in JavaScript that provides clutter-free web based code editor with all the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse.

It can be easily embedded in any web page and JavaScript application.


  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto indentation and outdent
  • Fully customizable key bindings including VI and Emacs modes
  • Themes (TextMate themes can be imported)
  • Search and replace with regular expressions
  • Highlight matching parentheses

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