HybridAuth is an open source web-based authentication and authorisation solution that combines the strengths of several major social networks and Identity Providers services into one simple PHP Library. This PHP Library for social services authentication supports many social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, LinkedIn, FourSquare, OpenID and many other Identity providers. Major Features Authenticate users [...]
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Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine: ElasticSearch
ElasticSearch is an open source, distributed RESTful search engine built for the cloud on top of Lucene. ElasticSearch is schema less, just toss it a typed JSON document and it will automatically index it. Search can be executed either using a simple, Lucene based query string or using an extensive JSON based search query DSL. [...]
Read the rest of this entry »HTML5 Signature Pad jQuery Plugin: Signature Pad
Signature Pad is a jQuery plugin for assisting in the creation of an HTML5 canvas based signature pad. Records the drawn signature in JSON for later regeneration. The Signature Pad jQuery plugin will transform an HTML form into a signature pad. The Signature Pad has two modes: TypeIt: The user’s signature is automatically generated as [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Open Source Cloud Language: Opa
Opa is an open source cloud language claims to be the next generation of web development platform. It is a new programming language, a new web server, a new database and a new distributed execution engine, all of them tightly integrated to provide a great experience for web developers. Opa is built from the bottom-up [...]
Read the rest of this entry »65 Colorful PSD and PNG Application Icons: DDIcons
For designers and developers, a good collection of icons is a valuable asset any day. That is why, professional designers have huge number of icons of all sizes, colors, styles and themes. If you have not started maintaining your own vault of free icons, start collecting them today. Greepit has shared a number of handsome [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Wheel Scroller and Date Time Picker for Touch Devices: Mobiscroll
The paradigm of web and UI design is changing rapidly to provide interactive and smooth user experience on touch-based devices. This changes not only the design patterns but also the user controls and screen objects. Those designed for ‘conventional’ machines and browsers are not really good for ‘new generation’ clients like iPad, tablets and other [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Animated jQuery Image Slider with Unique Transition Effects: Chop Slider
As the saying goes: Big things come in small packages. Chop Slider proves it true. Packaged in just 6KB, ChopSlider delivers awesome and powerful image slider with unlimited transition effects. In fact, it is more than a simple image slider. It allows you to create your own custom transition effects that harness the power of CSS3 and jQuery [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Move Objects in 3D Space with JavaScript: Sprite3D.js
Sprite3D is a simple javascript library that uses the power of CSS transforms for rendering HTML objects in 3D without requiring WebGL enabled browsers, any JavaScript dependencies or complexities of HTML5 canvas element. Sprite3D manipulates 3D positioning of objects via simple JavaScript to achieve smooth rendering of 3D animations. Since, object manipulation is done using 3D positioning, the entire transformation [...]
Read the rest of this entry »jQuery Image Slider for Responsive Web Design: Blueberry
The World Wide Web is expanding vigorously in all directions – platforms, delivery networks, user base, devices etc. Now, people access Internet and websites on personal gadgets of all sizes and types. As the result, web design techniques have changed drastically and require fluid, responsive and interactive design and layouts to provide similar user experience [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Truncate HTML Code to Limit Its Length by Number of Words: Cutter.js
Cutter.js is a class to truncate HTML code to limit its length by number of words, without losing the markup. Cutter solves the problem when its needed to cut some content by a number of words but its mandatory no lose any markup. Cutter cuts the content to the number of requested words and if [...]
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