Tip Tip is a Free Lightweight jQuery Tooltip Plugin for your web sites. TipTip takes the browser's default Tooltip and replaces it with it's own look and feel. This intelligent and custom Free Tooltip does not use any image and completely customizable via Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). 3561
AjaXplorer is a Free PHP File Explorer to manage your files remotely on a web server without FTP. Its rich client layout and actions make it accessible to any end-user for a variety of purposes: file management/sharing, photo gallery, code browsing, etc. 3557
PHPWeatherLib is a Free PHP Library for web developers that provide an easy to use, lightweight, weather conditions library that pulls live conditions and weather data from the NOAA's public XML weather feeds. 3552
Markercss is an Open Source W3C Compliant CSS Framework to create web page layouts based on standard CSS. Markercss helps reduce your time and cost for coding a web layout. Markercss is divided into different subjects for better access, layout, borders, backgrounds, links, forms, text, colors and tables. 3517
Venkman JavaScript Dubugger is a Free JavaScript Debugger Plugin built specially for Firefox. Venkman is the code name for Mozilla's JavaScript Debugger. Venkman aims to provide a powerful JavaScript debugging environment for Gecko-based browsers namely Firefox 3.x, the Netscape 7.x series of browsers, Netscape 9.x series, Mozilla Seamonkey 1.x and Mozilla Seamonkey 2.x. Website: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/venkman/
DooPHP is a Open Source Rapid Application Development PHP Framework using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM. This Open Source PHP Framework reduces development costs and helps developers write less cod. 3497