jsMessage is a JavaScript library for creating custom notifications, alerts and confirmations. This library was extracted from code of DHTMLX suite. jsMessage is only 3kb gzipped, without external...
Read more →jsMessage is a JavaScript library for creating custom notifications, alerts and confirmations. This library was extracted from code of DHTMLX suite. jsMessage is only 3kb gzipped, without external...
Read more →Badger easily adds beautiful iOS style badges to your element without the need for images. The created iOS style badges are inspired by the badges found on the iPhone and iPad, Badger is an incredibly...
Read more →jQuery Toastmessage is a jQuery plugin which provides android-like notification messages. It's a quite nice way to report info or error to the user. You have 4 different toast types you can use....
Read more →SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that makes it easy to display sliding notifications on your website or in your web application. You can specify how far down the user must scroll...
Read more →Purr is an advanced MooTools notifications class that allows you to show growl-style pop-up notifications. It also provides Elements.alert() to allow a notification to be popped above of an existing element. This...
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