As a designer I am always looking for new fonts to use in my designs. Adding new fonts to my library helps inspire you, giving a fresh feel to the designs. Unfortunately it can be really hard to locate...
Read more →As a designer I am always looking for new fonts to use in my designs. Adding new fonts to my library helps inspire you, giving a fresh feel to the designs. Unfortunately it can be really hard to locate...
Read more →A beautiful retina-ready web icon font / icon set which MFG Labs developed as an internal project and sharing with everyone now. It is designed to be easily embeddable on a website or application using...
Read more →BLOKK is a free font for mockups and wireframes. It helps you create good looking mock-ups and wireframes, where layout is more important than latin words. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss] [rss]Design...
Read more →Elusive Icons is a collection of 268 free vector icons focused for Twitter Bootstrap. It's actually a webfont that can be used with any of your projects. Bootstrap-based, Foundation-based or even your...
Read more →We Live Icon Fonts is a free & open source icon fonts hosting service (like Google Web Fonts, but icon fonts only). This is not a font generation service and you can't generate Icon Fonts here....
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