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Emastic – CSS Framework

Emastic is a CSS Framework, it’s continuing mission: to explore a strange new world, to seek out new life and new web spaces, to boldly go where no CSS Framework has gone before.

Emastic - CSS Framework


  • Lightweight (compressed weight less then 4kb)
  • Personalized width of the page in (em,px,%)
  • Use of fixed and fluid columns in the grid.
  • Elastic Layout with “em”s

Dummy Text Generator – Lorem Ipsum for Web Designers

This handy tool helps you create dummy text for all your layout needs. Most of the web desingers are used to with Lorem Ipsum…, the beauty of dummy text generator is that it has 10 different type of dummy text available ready for use. You can specify the number of words / characters and paragraphs required.

Dummy Text Generator

It also has an advance feature panel where you can specify the font properties like Font Name, Size, Letter spacing, etc… Such options make Dummy Text Generator Tool to stand among others.


HideText | Convert text to Images to Hide from Google

Hidetext lets you convert text to an image. This means you can hide passwords, personal messages, pieces of code, or any kind of private information on forums, blogposts, emails, irc, msn-aim chats,….

Convert text to Images to Hide from Google

There seems to be some confusion what this site is really about.. here’s some blurb to enlighten you a little bit.

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Fluid 960 Grid System Templates

The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem.

The premise of the system is ideally suited to rapid prototyping, but it would work equally well when integrated into a production environment. There are printable sketch sheets, design layouts, and a CSS file that have identical measurements.

Fluid 960 Grid System Templates

The 960 Grid System is free to use, and may be repurposed to meet your specific needs. Several projects have already spun off, including versions that were built to be fluid and elastic. Additionally, it appears that it will be adapted for Drupal.

These templates are offered Free of charge in accordance with the applicable licenses for 960 Grid System and Mootools.

WooThemes have adopted it as their framework of choice for commercial WordPress themes.


CSS Generator Framework

CSS Generator Framework is a tool that can save us much time, because with just putting the html of the site automatically generates a list of CSS for use with the class ID’s.

CSS Generator Framework

This tool returns corresponding CSS in a line-by-line way indented with spaces to reflect XHTML structure – each selector and all of its properties and values in one line. This may be a bit strange for you at the beginning, but if you get used to it you’ll find it much better.


SenCSs: A CSS Framework For All But Not The Layout

SenCSs is a CSS framework that doesn’t provide a layout system but aims to take care of the rest, like:

  • fonts & font-sizes
  • paddings
  • margins
  • colors,
  • tables & lists
  • headers, blockquotes and what more..

SenCSs has support for forms which helps presenting them nicely (better form support is on the way).

There are also styles for elements like errors, warnings or success messages which are parts of a standard web application.

SenCSs, although being fresh & currently in development, is a nice base to start with & improve depending on your needs.


Easy Keyword Position Analysis: Exactfactor

Exactfactor is a free web based service that enables you to analyze the positions of keywords of a website in major search engines.

It lets you to add competitors & compare your website’s results with a competitor.

Another nice feature is the ability to add alerts. You can get alerts when:

  • keywords you mentioned become the top 1, top5, etc. in the search engines
  • your website beats a competitor for the given keywords

Exactfactor is very easy to use with a clean interface & considering search engines are the most important “factors” of traffic, the service is definitely helpful.


Web Server That Runs On CD-Rom: Server2Go

Server2Go is a portable web server environment built to be used in CD-ROMS, memory sticks & similar portable media.

It has almost everything you need to run a web application:

  • Apache 1.3.x, 2.0.x and 2.2.x
  • PHP 5.2.x with a lot of extensions. Downgrade packages to 4.4.x and 5.0.x available)
  • MySQL 5 support
  • Perl 5.8 with many CPAN modules integrated

Server2Go auto-configures all the settings that may vary in every environment like ports & proxy settings.

It starts the server environment at the background when the CD-ROM is run & closes it automatically when the browser is closed.

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Creative and Clean Resume Template