Browsing articles in "Extras"

Handsome Flash – XML News Slider

This is a very good looking Flash news slider (AS3 code) which uses XML for fetching the data.

The Flash slider simply displays an image and a descriptive text with a link to the URL wanted. The slider can be controlled via the next-previous & pause buttons.

You can find the steps for creating this Flash news slider as a tutorial and download the source files.

Design of the slider is inspired from the website.


Scrollable: jQuery Plugin To Scroll Content

Scrollable is a flexible & lightweight (3.9kb) jQuery plugin for creating scrollable contents.

Any content (HTML, video, text..) can be used as a scrolling item. And, it supports vertical scrolling besides the standard horizontal scrolling which makes it very ideal, specially for news sites or portals to present the flash contents.

Other features of Scrollable are:

  • Setting the number of visible items
  • Mouse, arrow keys and mousewheel (requires mousewheel.js) support
  • Programmatic actions: next, prev, nextPage, prevPage, seekTo, begin, end
  • Know when list is scrolled with custom event listener

This jQuery plugin is built by the FlowPlayer team (see WRD post) and includes great examples (this & this) with FlowPlayer integration.


Cross-Browser CSS Drop-Down Menu Framework

CSS Drop-Down Menu Framework is a free & cross-browser solution to create good looking menus.

Download package already contains examples but new themes can be created very easily.

Menus can be transformed by only changing the class name. Available transformations are:

  • horizontal
  • vertical left-to-right
  • vertical right-to-left
  • horizontal linear
  • horizontal upwards.

The framework normally uses only CSS but for IE6, there is a JavaScript file that must be included.


Circular Menu With Sub-Menus

CSSPlay is presenting a chic circular menu that can have sub-menus.

Within a limited space, the menu offers a comprehensive browsing experience.

There is also a small information that can be displayed when an item is hovered.

It uses ordered-lists for all major browsers & uses some tables if the browser is IE6.

P.S. The menu is not totally free. A donation is required for use.


Vista-Like Ajax Calendar Version 2 With Mootools

The Vista-like Ajax Calendar (vlaCalendar) version 2 is a unobtrusive web version of the slick and profound Windows Vista taskbar calendar, by using the mootools javascript framework, AJAX, XHTML, CSS and PHP.

This Vista-like Ajax Calendar script is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 3.0 License. You can use these files however you want, but don’t redistribute without the proper credits and do not use this for commercial purposes.


Open-Source ActionScript 3 PDF Generation Library – AlivePDF

AlivePDF is an open-source ActionScript 3 (Flash, Flex, AIR) PDF generation library.
It allows you to generate PDF’s client-side.

You can find here some wonderful sample codes or click here to download.

AlivePDF is licensed under the MIT License. In other words, you can do whatever you want with it!


Free PHP, JavaScript And Ajax Based ShoutBox

wTag is a shoutbox (chatbox or mini chat) that is written in JavaScript and PHP, and using Ajax to exchange data with the server without need to reload an entire page. It uses MySQL database as backend. Just take a look at demo here.

  • Replace URLs catched in a message with clickable links.
  • UTF-8 encoding for multilingual support.
  • Compliance with XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS.
  • Custom designs: it’s easy to change the chatbox look by editing the CSS files.
  • A form validation and warnings display system

OpenCart, An Open-Source PHP-Based Online Shopping Cart System

OpenCart is an open-source PHP-based online shopping cart system. A robust e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create their own online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost.

This open-source shopping application supports unlimited categories, different currencies & languages. Users can also review the products and buy them.

OpenCart is designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface.


Fix Photos Direct In Your Browser With Pixlr, The Free Online Image Editor

Pixlr is a free online image editing application that enables users to create or edit an image from a hard drive or URL in your browser. This is a flash based application that loads in seconds and does not slow down when editing multiple images even with thousands of users online at once.  It is built in Flash and you need to have a Flash plug in (get flash) to get it to work.

It’s not for large RAW images or for printing. It is merely a tool for editing web images to be posted on blogs, news-sites, social networks like Facebook, Bebo, image sites like Flikr, Photobucket etc.


CSS Generators

Clean CSS
CSS Formatter and Optimiser

CSS Button Generator
CSS Button & Text Field Generator

CSS Creator
Live CSS Cascading Style Sheet Layout generator for your web site

CSS Font and Text Style Wizard
Use this wizard to experiment with font and text styles and generate sample CSS style source code.

Online CSS Optimiser/Optimizer
This tool is used to optimise CSS code. Enter either a URL or Copy & Paste the stylesheet into the box, and click Go

CSS Formatter and Optimiser
CSS optimize

CSS Form Code Maker
Generates ‘Colorful Box Layout’ For Forms

CSS Menu Generator
Our CSS Menu Generator will generate both the CSS and the HTML code required to produce a text-based yet appealing set of navigation buttons.

Format CSS Online
Automatically format your CSS (cascading style sheets) so they are easy to read and edit…..

Online CSS Optimizer
CSS Optimizer optimizes and reduces the file size of the Cascading Style Sheets

Colly’s CSS rollover generator
CollyLogic CSS Multi-element Rollover Generator

Rounded Graphics for CSS Box Corners

CSS Rounded Box Generator (Beta)
Generates both the images and code you need for a rounded box.

Online CSS Scrollbar Color Changer
Change the scrollbar colors in an HTML page

CSS Tab Designer
CSS Tab Designer is a unique and easy to use software to help you design css-based lists and tabs visually.

Free CSS Template Code Generator
Maker for 3 Column Layout (tableless)

HTML and CSS Table Border Style Wizard
Use this wizard to experiment with table border styles and generate style source code.

one list, many options – Using CSS and a simple list to create radically different list

nested list options

Generate CSS-styled navigation menus based on list items

List-u-Like CSS Generator
Create cross-browser list-based navigation bars with ease

S5Easy: Create S5 Slideshows Easy Online
Create your slideshow in only 3 steps

A CSS stylesheet generator

The Generator Form v2.90
CSS Source Ordered Variable Border 1-3 Columned Page Maker


Creative Resume Template
Open source icons
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