liteAccordion is a lightweight horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery. This horizontal accordion script can be used to show text, images, video – anything you can put in a div. This horizontal accordion has been tested on the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera on both OSX and W7. It also works in IE7 [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Archive for the ‘Scripts & Apps’ Category
Typewriter As a Contact Form: Vintage Typewriter
An out-of-the-box contact form tutorial from TutorialShock: they developed an awesome typewriter contact form with all the primary functions fully operational with the mighty power of jQuery and CSS. The typewriter contact form can be manipulated in 3 different ways: You can either operate it via keyboard Clicking directly over the typewriter’s keys Using a [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Create Comprehensive Animations With jQuery Runloop Plugin
Runloop is a jQuery plugin designed to support comprehensive animations running across many different elements. Runloop allows you to easily create more interesting and powerful transitions between states and interactions on a webpage.
Read the rest of this entry »JavaScript Charting Library based on HTML 5 Canvas: AwesomeChartJS
AwesomeChartJS is a simple JavaScript Charting Library that can be used to create charts based on the HTML 5 canvas element. AwesomeChartJS lets you create simple and usable charts quickly with just a couple of lines of code. This easy to use JavaScript Charting Library bundled with many useful features including customization of font styles, fill [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Get Cross Domain Images with HTML5 Canvas: getImageData
getImageData is a jQuery plugin to create a proxy script on their server to get images from different domains or origins. It enables pixel level access to images from different origins. It works by sending a JSONP request with the URL of the image to Google’s servers via the Google App Engine. The server then [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Visual & Interactive Tour of jQuery, Prototype and MooTools JavaScript Libraries
The JavaScript Libraries Deconstructed series is designed to visually and interactively deconstruct the internal code of JavaScript libraries, including jQuery, Prototype and MooTools. It breaks the physical JavaScript into visual blocks that you can easiliy navigate. Each block opens to reveal its internal code. Clickable hyperlinks allow you to follow program flow.
Read the rest of this entry »HTML5 Graph Visualization Library using Web Workers and jQuery: Arbor.JS
Arbor.JS is an interesting HTML5 graph visualisation library built using Web Workers and jQuery. Rather than trying to be an all-encompassing framework, arbor provides an efficient, force-directed layout algorithm plus abstractions for graph organization and screen refresh handling. It leaves the actual screen-drawing to you. This means you can use it with canvas, SVG, or [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Automatically Add Vendor Prefixes, CSS Constants And Minify CSS With CSS Agent
CSS Agent is an ASP.NET handler for adding automatic vendor prefixes, CSS constants and minification for your CSS style sheets. CSS Agent automatically adds vendor prefixes to CSS properties. Simply write using the W3C syntax and let CSS Agent do the rest for you. CSS constants allow you to define and re-use values in your style [...]
Read the rest of this entry »HTML5 CSS3 Based Audio Player: Zen Audio Player
Zen is a single-track HTML5 CSS3 Audio Player, powered by jPlayer, styled and mostly animated with CSS3. Zen audio player has an attractive and clean user interface. In the demo, its a single track audio player and only plays a single track but it can be extended to support multiple audio files. It works more or [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Simulate Touch Events in Desktop Browsers: Phantom Limb
Phantom Limb simulates basic touch events in desktop browsers, allowing you to utilize the debugging goodness of the WebKit Inspector and Firebug while developing a mobile web application. This mobile web development utility makes desktop browsers simulate touch events by dispatching a custom touch event for every mouse event it receives and makes debugging mobile [...]
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