jQuery Toastmessage is a jQuery plugin which provides android-like notification messages. It’s a quite nice way to report info or error to the user. You have 4 different toast types you can use. Each type comes with its own icon and colored border. The types are: Notice Success Warning Error You can easily customize the [...]
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Interactive Form Labels For Input Text Fields: jLabel
jLabel is a jQuery plugin that formats text input fields with unobtrusive labels featuring interactive suggestions. It allows input fields to be labelled clearly and presented with minimal interface obstruction. jLabel adheres to the concepts of Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation and correctly handles pre-populated fields and ASP.NET’s viewstate postback model. jLabels are kept visible [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Full Featured Standalone JavaScript Slider: TinySlider 2
Tiny Slider 2 is a tiny(3KB), full-featured and standalone JavaScript slider, easily configurable and visually customizable using CSS. It accepts any content and gracefully degrades when JavaScript isn’t available. Features Automatic rotation with the option to auto-resume Direction toggle (vertical or horizontal) Fluid motion and an elastic tween option Continuous sliding without rewind
Read the rest of this entry »Commonly Used And Minified CSS Reset Scripts: CSS Reset
A CSS Reset is a short, often compressed (minified) set of CSS rules that resets the styling of all HTML elements to a consistent baseline. Every browser has its own default user agent stylesheet, that it uses to make unstyled websites appear more legible. Using a CSS Reset, users can force every browser to have all [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Multiple File Upload Plugin: jQuery File Upload
jQuery File Upload is an open source extensible jQuery plugin that supports multiple file upload with lots of useful features including drag and drop, upload progress indicator and cross-site file uploads. jQuery File Upload implementation is based on open standards like HTML5 and JavaScript and requires no additional browser plugins. This plugin uploads files via XMLHttpRequests [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Ajax Star Rating jQuery Plugin: jRating
jRating is a flexible jQuery plugin for creating star rating systems with complete Ajax treatment. jRating is very easy and simple to use, with many options and methods. It comes with great flexibility and you can set the star size, number of stars and maximal rate. Recommended: Open Source Feedback Collection and Polling Widget
Read the rest of this entry »Hot Keys / Key Shortcuts Made Simple With jQuery jKey
jKey is a tiny plugin by Oscar Godson that makes hot keys and key shortcuts handling much easier. jKey works with jQuery, so you can select any applicable element to set a key command to. Basically, any element that can be focused on such as an input or textarea can have a key command applied [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Horizontal Accordion jQuery Plugin: zAccordion
zAccordion is an easy to use, fixed-width horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery. The HTML is pretty simple and can be set up to automatically rotate content / images. zAccordion comes with number of interesting options including: Custom triggers Timeout between the slides Easing option And speed This free horizontal accordion plugin is built using unordered list [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Parser Generator for JavaScript: PEG.JS
PEG.js is a parser generator for JavaScript based on the parsing expression grammar formalism. It enables you to easily build fast parsers which process complex data or computer languages. You can use it as an underlying tool when writing various data processors, transformers, interpreters, or compilers. Features Simple and expressive grammar syntax No separate lexical [...]
Read the rest of this entry »Web Based WYSIWYG CSS Sprite Generator Tool: Spritebox
Spritebox is a web based WYSIWYG CSS sprite generator tool which helps web designers quickly and easily create CSS IDs and classes from a single sprite image. This free CSS sprite generator tool is built using jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5. It works well in all html5-enabled browsers.
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