Sticky-kit provides an easy way to attach elements to the page when the user scrolls such that the element is always visible. Just call stick_in_parent on the elements you want to be stuck inside of their...
Read more →Sticky-kit provides an easy way to attach elements to the page when the user scrolls such that the element is always visible. Just call stick_in_parent on the elements you want to be stuck inside of their...
Read more →Parallax.js is a lightweight solution for creating parallax effects. Parallax.js is a simple, lightweight Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device. Where no gyroscope or motion...
Read more →slimMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin, which is made to create responsive and multi-level navigation menus on the fly. With slimMenu, you'll no longer struggle with media queries to create responsive...
Read more →LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds...
Read more →HTML(.js) is a JavaScript library that eases interaction with the DOM. The library supports human-readable code and features several methods for working with and managing the DOM. HTML lets you traverse...
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