
Awesome JavaScript Documentation: JavaScript Garden

JavaScript Garden is an awesome and growing collection of JavaScript documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes, subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices that non-expert JavaScript … Continue reading


JavaScript Form Validation Script based on MooTools: VM Form Validator

VM FormValidator is a JavaScript form validation script based on MooTools. It aims to provide simple, reliable validation for all form element types across all browsers in an unobtrusive manner. It is 100% style-able via CSS and allows for custom … Continue reading


Collaborative Online Scrum Tool Using Websockets and Node.js: Scrumblr

Scrumblr is a web-based simulation of a physical agile sprint board that supports real-time collaboration. It is built using node.js, websockets (using, CSS3, and jQuery. Scrumblr works on up to date Chrome and Firefox browsers. Enable websockets for optimal … Continue reading

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