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HideText | Convert text to Images to Hide from Google

Hidetext lets you convert text to an image. This means you can hide passwords, personal messages, pieces of code, or any kind of private information on forums, blogposts, emails, irc, msn-aim chats,….

Convert text to Images to Hide from Google

There seems to be some confusion what this site is really about.. here’s some blurb to enlighten you a little bit.

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CSS Generator Framework

CSS Generator Framework is a tool that can save us much time, because with just putting the html of the site automatically generates a list of CSS for use with the class ID’s.

CSS Generator Framework

This tool returns corresponding CSS in a line-by-line way indented with spaces to reflect XHTML structure – each selector and all of its properties and values in one line. This may be a bit strange for you at the beginning, but if you get used to it you’ll find it much better.


Web Server That Runs On CD-Rom: Server2Go

Server2Go is a portable web server environment built to be used in CD-ROMS, memory sticks & similar portable media.

It has almost everything you need to run a web application:

  • Apache 1.3.x, 2.0.x and 2.2.x
  • PHP 5.2.x with a lot of extensions. Downgrade packages to 4.4.x and 5.0.x available)
  • MySQL 5 support
  • Perl 5.8 with many CPAN modules integrated

Server2Go auto-configures all the settings that may vary in every environment like ports & proxy settings.

It starts the server environment at the background when the CD-ROM is run & closes it automatically when the browser is closed.


30+ High Quality And Free Vector Object Sets To Beautify Your Designs

Sometimes, when you are about to design, a well-designed object can easily inspire you. And, using such objects:

  • Save you time
  • Improve the overall quality of the design (in general)
  • Help you to improve yourself by seeing how it is done & more..

This is a collection of 30+ free & various vector object sets to help you create better. Here they are:

Page Curls In Vector:

Ecology Vector Set:

Vector Ink Splatters:

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Open source icons
Creative and Clean Resume Template