FailSafe is a jQuery plugin to help your application work correct even in peril situations. In other words, it takes care of situations like Lost Internet Connectivity and Low Battery Level. When a user...
Read more →FailSafe is a jQuery plugin to help your application work correct even in peril situations. In other words, it takes care of situations like Lost Internet Connectivity and Low Battery Level. When a user...
Read more →EasyDropDown is a jQuery plugin that effortlessly turns humble select elements into styleable custom dropdown menus for use in forms or general UI/navigation. Clean, semantic markup Form &...
Read more →With the flat design trend on the rise at the moment, one thing that stands out is the use of long flat shadows, particularly for small UI elements and icons. These shadows have a characteristic 45 angle...
Read more →TemplateVamp, a FREE [Premium like] Responsive Admin Template for web designers and developers. Based on Twitter Bootstrap, TemplateVamp is a fully functional and customizable admin template that leverages...
Read more →This tutorial shows how to build an expanding footer; a user interface pattern which allows the user to click on expandable footer regions if they wish to see more content. [rss]Special Downloads[/rss]...
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